Epilogue Love Everlasting

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Comfortable silence filled the room as soft breaths and mumbled snores filled the spacious room. Sophia awoke to small creaking footsteps opening the bedroom's creaking door, she smiled softly as she pretended to sleep; she remained still as the bed dipped slightly and small hands peeled the fur blankets away, but was brought back when the small form cuddled closer to her back. She giggled silently as she turned herself to face her youngest daughter, Cirena, and hug her close. 

Sophia gave her a light kiss on her forehead as they both fell back asleep for a short amount of time, her platinum silvery hair beginning to grow black and white strands here and there. Her smile broadened as she felt Cirena cuddle closer and rub her head against her chest. It was then that Sophia sat for a moment still in her daze of sleep, never thinking that she would be in a place of comfort and utter bliss like she was now along with her many children and her beloved King by her side.

When her first born child came into their lives did she start to discover the many secrets her King held back from her, that the bullies from her previous life was found chained to the lower quarters of the dungeon with their hair knotted an lifeless and their stares blank and emotionless. And next to them were the skins and skeletal remains of her father hanging against the stone wall as though he were a trophy claimed by a huntsman. When she had confronted him about the many things she had found it would be the first and last of their fight, it was that first time that she had seen such rage directed at her she saw the fire in his eyes. "Meine Geliebte," he spoke, his tone seemingly gentle, but, still held that tone of dominance, "I do not want anymore silly arbituary questions, all that was done was for us," he had backed her against the wall as he leaned further into her and placed his hand on her stomach just below the belly button, "for the sake of our young." It was then that she gestured to the remains of her father and asked him in gesture why. She saw his eyes soften slightly and he chuckled, simply stating, "he deserved his punishment," he cupped both sides of her face as he leaned down to peck her lips softly, "for you, I would kill an entire village that does not bow to their queen." 

And it was left at that, their love only growing stronger and all that was in the past brushed aside. 

Sophia was brought awake once more when the soft touch of her lover rubbed her eyelids, careful of the claws trailing down against her delicate skin. Her eye lashes gave feathery kisses against his fingertips as she saw him watching the two of them sleep. Her krampus had advanced in age, quite handsomely she'd admit. His dark grey and black fur was now adorned with spots of white around his nose, eyes, and along the collar of his chest, his horns trimmed slightly so that they were manageable and his eyes still grew bright with burning ember hue that always held her reflection within them. He smiled down at her when his gaze moved to the small bundle in her arms. 

Her gaze moved down as well, her youngest child held her thumb in her mouth as she slept with her knees brought close to her chest and her cute button nose stwitching with each breath she took. Sophia moved down slightly to rub her nose against the cold surface of her daughters, giving an Eskimo kiss to wake her back up, the southern lights shone brightly against both her daughter and husband, filling the atmosphere with an array of color knowing now that morning was fast approaching. Her daughter supressed a smile around her thumb,but, tightened her eyelids as she turned over towards her father; much like herself she loved her sleep and more so to be in the company of others whilst in her slumber. Only when Sophia moved to the crevice of her neck and shoulder and blew raspberries into her neck did the little girl squeal and laugh with the tickling vibrations. 

Cirena looked so much like Sophia, her hair when first born took that of her mothers bright shade, but overtime began to darken slightly to the blonde shade like that of Sophia's mother in the past to which reflected the life of color from the outside; it fanned out along the pillows surface while she was being kissed and tickled by her loving mother. Krampus could only chuckle at his girls behavior so early in the morning, however, it was something he enjoyed waking up to as of late that being a usual habit for tyhe small bundle. He watched Cirena carefully as to catch any kicking limbs that would become too much for the both to handle; not only did she inherit his bright golden eyes, she also inherited his force of strength and could hurt Sophia with one kick or hit. 

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