XII Demented

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The winds continued to howl in the growing night as both men made their way to Derek's home; Howard had the look of a hunter as his pace and breathing was calm and relaxed, preparing himself for the worst that may lay behind the ice encrusted door. Thomas, however, had the look of a concerned father; not knowing what the inevitable may be as his footsteps were slow and his heartbeat could be heard in his ears. Howard pushed the door open with the tip of his gun, causing a loud creaky echo to sound the empty house, lighting the snow covered floors.

The home, once open and welcoming to all guests, were now eerily dark as the outside snow infested the once warm home on its open surface along with torn apart presents, broken decorations and photos, and some slightly frozen smears and puddles of blood.

The blood that caught the immediate attention to a very concerned Thomas.

"Beth?" Thomas called, thinking that they might be somewhere else inside, "Derek?" he called once more to them, hoping that someone would call back in response.

But, still, the house was grimly quiet. Only the winds howls outside to be heard as the crunching of glass and snow beneath them.

"BETH?!" Thomas called louder, only to be silenced by Howard as he shoved the butt end of his gun into his side. "Quiet Tommy... I don't like the looks of this" he whispered, motioning for Thomas to follow inside. Thomas followed slightly after him as he looked at the scene before him, letting Howard wonder to investigate on his own; he knelt down in the beginnings of the hallway, finding faint signs of footprints and tracks. He saw the nine foot shoe size and the ten to be the father and son of the house and the eight and a half to be the mother; none, however, matched the size six and a half of his daughters.

Howard stepped into the kitchen as his light shone on the ice encrusted surface of the home, seeing that the kitchen drawers were wide open and the utensils had been thrown all over the place; broken glass and spatters of blood spotted here and there as the sharper utensils were bent, some even broken off completely. He turned towards the oven slightly to see that the entire thing was black and had looked to be blown to bits, its thick glass looking into the oven shattered and a burnt looking porcelain doll to be inside. He turned his light to investigate some more and finds something that catches him off guard with an unsettling feeling. What looked to be a terrified ginger bread man was stabbed to the refrigerator door, keeping him pinned there like he was crucified; a dark frozen substance was caked on the silvery surface of the knife as it kept the poor cookie pinned to the steel surface. "Whoever did this is a demented son of a bitch," Howard softly spoke to himself as he, without hesitation, tore off a piece of the gingerbread man and ate the cake like substance, enjoying the white gooey cream filling inside.

Both men made it to the living room as the shuffled footprints lead away from there, Thomas knelt down again finding a picture of his baby girl in her prom dress with Derek; his eyes wavered and filled with tears slightly as he remembered that day and hoped to God that his little girl wasn't taken away. "Don't worry buddy, we'll find her," Howard told his as he passed him with a pat on the shoulder. Thomas only clutched the picture frame slightly tighter as he looked down, he could only pray that they both found her.

Howard made his way to the living room, not believing the sight that he see's. Everything in the living room in complete shambles as more puddles, whips and splatters of frozen blood surround certain areas of the living space, all presents either crushed or torn apart and destroyed again with claw marks and more dark substances on the toys, lamps and shades.

Bricks had scattered all over the living rooms floor as they both made their way further inside the scene, looking to the wall that lead to the fireplace that held the most damage; cracks leading from the ceiling to the open gap and exposed bricks to the opening. "Probably a gas line that blew," Howard spoke, thinking that the home's fireplace system was run on gas more than the actual log and fire and Thomas would have agreed to this as well, but, he knew that all houses in his neighborhood were build the same way as his.

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