Break up

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Tears stung your eyes as you stood on the other side of your living room as your boyfriend, Tom Holland.

"You have been away for 9 months filming your movie and the first thing you do when you go back is go to a party!" You yelled, arms folded across your chest.

"It was a press party. Why are you so mad Y/N?" Tom replied, growing frustrated.

"Why am I so mad?" You scoffed, "Do you know how it feels to spend 9 months without the person you love most in the world? Do you know how it feels to cry yourself to sleep because you miss them so much? Do you know how it feels to feel like you're nothing compared to your boyfriend?" Tears were falling steadily down your face and they were hot and angry.

Tom couldn't contain how he felt anymore. He groaned loudly before turning to you, hands placed over his face.

"I do know how that feels Y/N!" He shouted, startling you slightly, "That's how I felt every damn night when I was away!"

"You made the choice to leave Tom!" You prodded your finger at his chest, your faces now inches apart.

"What did you expect me to do Y/N? Stay for you?" The words tumbled out of his mouth before he could stop them.

You felt your heart break as he spoke. You dropped your hand to your side and locked eyes with Tom. Tom's eyes widened as he realised what he had said. He reached out to hold you, to tell you that he loved you and that he didn't mean it.

"I just thought that maybe that would've crossed your mind." You whispered, "If that's how you feel, Thomas..."

Tom cringed as you said his full name, he hated when people called him that, especially you.

"...Then I guess we're over." You continued, wishing you could take every word back you spoke, but you couldn't be with someone who didn't consider you like that, who don't think you were important enough. You made your way to the door, wrapping your hand around the cool metal of the doorknob.

"Wait! Y/N! Please don't go! I love you!" Tom cried as he stood in the hallway, a few feet away from you.

"I love you too Tom." You sighed sadly, "But, I can't do this anymore."

Without looking back, knowing it would be too hard to look into his beautiful brown orbs and not run back into his arms, you walked out and slammed the door behind you, tears streaming down your face. Tom fell to the floor crying, he had lost the love of his life.


Tom Holland ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now