The Pet and Name You Have

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Tom ~ Tessa first daughter and son called 'Alexa' and 'Casper'. Obviously, you loved Tessa but the family always had her and you wanted two to take with you.

Harrison ~ Monty and the last baby bunny rabbit from your childhood rabbit. His name was 'Jasper'. Monty and Jasper.

Sam ~ A cat. One of the reasons is so Tom won't take him or come into your apartment much as he hates them and also because the first date you went on - to the movies - had an adorable cat you both loved it. It was a special memory for you two and you called him 'Hamilton'.

Harry ~ The other two puppies of Tessa 'Johnny' and 'Black Widow' as you loved Scarlett Johansson.

Peter ~ You only have a small hamster named 'Twister' because you were only fifteen and didn't have your own place. Yet.

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