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You were telling Ellen, on her show, about an embarrassing moment you had with Tom. "So, as you know, this is my first ever film and I have a fairly big role for my first job." You told her, hands gesturing your speech. "So when they tell me that not only have I got the role, and a big one, but that I would be working with Tom Holland, I freaked out!"

Everyone in cheered and applauded at your fangirl over him and Ellen just laughed. "So you knew him before you were acting with him?" She asked, still laughing.

"Yeah, yeah, I was a HUGE fangirl before I started acting, fan accounts and fanfictions and staning him." You told her. "God this is embarrassing." The crowd all laughed once again.

"So what happened?" Ellen asked, making you tell her the whole story.

You were sitting in your trailer, on your phone and waiting for someone to come and get you for filming. Eventually, someone knocked on your door and yelled, "They need you Y/N!"

You got up from the couch, grabbed a water bottle and walked out of your trailer, sipping on the water. Scrolling through Instagram you carried on walking and taking a big gulp of water when you came in contact with something hard.

Looking up, slightly, you saw Tom Holland standing there, smiling down at you. All the water you had collected in your mouth before you could swallow, sprayed onto his face as you chocked on it in shock.

"Shit. I'm so sorry. Damn it, let me get a towel." You stuttered as you rushed to your trailer, grabbing a hand towel and rushing back to Tom, handing it to him.

"It's fine, really." He laughed. "At least I have an excuse for being late to filming."

He simply walked away, leaving nothing but a wink and you standing there with a gaped mouth. Eventually, your senses caught up to you and you realised you were going to be late so you walked over to the scene.

"Oh, damn. That is hilariously embarrassing." Ellen told you as you nodded your head, agreeing with her.

"Yeah, I felt so bad after though, I couldn't stop apologising." You admitted. "It won't be something I'll forget anytime soon."

"Well it was great meeting you too, I definitely won't forget it." A deep voice chuckled from behind you, making your eyes widen and slightly gasp.

A/N ~ I'm thinking of shortening my imagines from now on, what do you think? This was 400 words and normally mine are around 1000, I'm thinking around 600?

Thanks for reading!

Tom Holland ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now