Thank you, Science!

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Requested by Theflash2274 This was a really cute one! Thanks for the request xx

Lily's POV

I walked into my English class to see everyone already there and one seat free, the one next to Peter. I have always had a crush on Peter ever since I first saw him in school, he's smart, kind, handsome and funny. His only friend was Ned and my only friend was Michelle, except I didn't see her often, she's different, to say the least.

Peter and I had the same smarts and friend status'. The only problem is I have the same shyness, if not worse. I was way too scared to say anything to him about my crush, I mean what if he doesn't have to same feelings.

Michelle is the only one who knows about my crush so when I look over at her and see she's sitting next to someone else, meaning the only space left is next to Parker, she just mouths 'you're welcome'. I playfully roll my eyes at her, walking over to Peter.

"Hey, Peter." I said sitting down as the teacher came in.

"Hey, Lily." He replied already writing stuff down.

For the rest of the lesson, we didn't talk unless it was partner work, where we would simply talk about the answer. That was it.

An hour had passed and it was now maths, easy as pie. I left my seat, saying bye to Peter and walking out. 

I walked out of the classroom and towards my locker, putting all my books away and getting out a few maths and science books.

The bell rang that signals class starting, which led to everyone walking quickly to there classes, and I was left in the hallway, partially alone.

I shut my locker and walked down the hall looking through one of my books whilst holding the other pile difficulty in my arms. I carried on walking when something bumped into me making stumbled to the ground and drop all my books over the ground.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." Someone said, I recognized the voice as Peter and instantly looked up to him. Both of us were blushing really hard.

"It's okay." I chuckled and started collecting my books. Peter got down and picked some up for me, then offered his hands to me.

I gingerly took his hands and stood up, looking into his deep hazel eyes. He stared back into my ocean blue ones, slightly lifting his mouth into an open smile. 

I coughed realizing how awkward this was once it had been a minute of staring, turning my head and looking at the floor with a deeper blush. Peter just looked around in embarrassment being the socially nervous person he is.

"Um, here are your books." He said handing them to me when he realized he still had them.

"Thanks." I said gratefully taking my books, he just said 'bye' then left. Without another word.


It was now the last lesson of the day and I sat down on my chair in science, next to Michelle luckily. I was looking through my books and realized that one was missing. I just shrugged it off and shared Michelle's for the lesson.

Peter walked in the class looking around before his eyes landed on me and he walked over smiling nervously - like always. He stopped in front of my desk and handed me a book, then went to his seat once again.

I looked down at the book and saw my missing science book, then a yellow label sticking out, a couple of pages in. Opening the book I saw a post-it-note with a bunch of numbers on it and some writing. The writing had three little boxes next to it:

Lily, will you go on a date with me?

A. Yes
B. A
C. B

I chuckled silently to myself before turning to face Peter who was a few rows back and mouthed, "Definitely."

He smiled at me, and I smiled back straight away. Thank you for science books!


A/N ~ Hope you guys liked this one, for some reason I'm finding it hard to write just about anything, but I'm trying!

Thanks for reading!

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