It's a date

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You were the most athletic girl in your class. You won all the sports days and beat all the boys in almost every single sport. Except for football. Paddy was the teams best player and the sports day champion. You were so jealous of him, it made you angry. He made team captain last week just in time for the game tomorrow, against Devanford, the posh school.

If things went right your team could win which lead you to the finals. Being the only girl on the team, no one really thought you were any good and you didn't really talk to anyone, which meant no one came to your games either. Only your parents and they were hardly there unless it was an away game which meant they had to drive you.

Luckily tomorrow's game was at your school, on the field behind it. People from the school would be watching and parents of the kids playing, the same for the other team.


Walking towards the school - without your parents - you saw kids from your team saying goodbye as their parents went to the seating area. The people who were watching were either chatting up the players or laughing with their friends. It's normally the popular kids.

You put your bag down on the side and went to the team who were all talking about the game. Strategies, who to pass to and when, stuff like that when the ref blew the whistle, signalling it was time to get in position.

You walked over to the middle of your side and looked at the people surrounding you, who were doing the same looking at all the opportunities and advantages. Then your eyes fell on Paddy in his uniform and his smile lighting up your face as he waved at his mum on the sidelines.

The people did all of the normal taking and rules. (I don't really know football, sorry). And then blew the whistle for us to start the match.

As it got to the end, you were passed the ball and you brought it to your foot and weaving around people sometimes having to kick the ball ahead, spin around people and then taking the ball back. But as you got to the goal, someone came in front and you instantly looked to the side to see Paddy, open.

You kicked it over to him and then found a space right in the spot that would for sure win you the match that was five seconds to the end.


He took the ball in his feet


He dribbled the ball


He stayed in control


Paddy found his way to the goal and shot


It entered goal


The game had finished and we had won. Because of Paddy. Again. It's always because of Paddy.

Even though you were annoyed about him not passing the ball back to you, your team had still one and you were going to the finals.


After the excitement died down and a few people left, the team went and got changed in the locker rooms whilst you went straight home considering there wouldn't be anyone in the girl's room.

Leaving the now empty field, you felt a hand on your shoulder. You turned around and saw Paddy, someone you didn't really want to see right now.

"What's your problem with me (Y/N)?" He asked not annoyed just confused.

"Nothing." You said, he raised his eyebrow in question. "It's just. Everyone loves you and you always win the match even if I was open to get it in. It's like people like you more just because you're a boy. They treat me differently just because I'm a girl."

"I'm sure they don't." He said with a sad smile.

"Maybe you could teach me everything you know and if they still don't like me, you'll know I'm right." You said and he nodded in agreement.

"Yeah okay, five o'clock Monday." He said. "It's a date." He finished, winking cockily.


A/N ~ I hope you liked that one, sorry there wasn't much talking. The next one will be Harrison and then I would have done everyone on my list!!!

Thanks for reading!

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