Happy Birthday

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This one is based on a really good writer whose story's I love! Go check it out! JustSomeone69

Sam was turning 18 and he was staying with Tom for Spider-Man filming. However, that was going to change as you were playing a surprise party and Harrison had booked tickets for you to go out to LA with them about a week ago but Sam didn't know yet.

Before the special day, you spent all week in a hotel buying and planning everything for his day. It was obviously Harry's day as well but he let me plan this for Sam today and that tomorrow we could go out for his part.

You had just got to the studios where they had all the sets and trailers when your phone went off. "Hey (Y/N)" Harrison said. "I'm gonna meet you out front and let you in by the B entrance. See you there in five minutes."

"Okay. By the way, it's creepy that you know I'm here." And with that, you hung up. Walking towards the B entrance. Just as Harrison said he was waiting there with the gates open. "Hey, Harrison."

"Hey, Sam's gone out to help with the photos and some other crew. Tom and the cast are in the studios waiting." He said helping you with your million bags.

"Okay." You said walking towards the big buildings. As you got to the building and walked inside, you saw everyone in a circle just talking and waiting for you. "Hey, guys." You said as they turned around. You weren't really very good with speaking in front of large crowds so Harrison spoke up for you.

"What's going to happen is (Y/N) has got things for everyone to do and she has ideas of how it should be done. They're all drawn and written down." You nodded along to the words. "Whilst all that is happening she will make the cake and I will get Sam."

Everyone nodded and took their sheets with the equipment, whilst you made your way to the kitchen. Before you got out the doors Harry came through having just got back from the airport with their parents. But they weren't there.

"Hey Harry, where are your parents?" You asked nervously it could ruin everything.

"They really tried to get a plane, but it got cancelled." He said sympathetically. "Curse you British Airways!" he half yelled, fisting the air, trying to lighten the mood. You laughed lightly and continued to walk through the doors as Harry's arm caught your wrist.

"Hey, it'll be fine." He said. "Everything is perfect (Y/N)."

"Thanks. I got to go make the cake now." You said leaving the building.


It took half an hour because you made the cake at the hotel to save time but it was finished. It was a two-tier cake with black sugar paste all over and his name written in white on the top tier and on the bottom was a picture of you two at night time in front of the light up London in edible ink underneath in icing it said 'all that you are, is all that I'll ever need'.

Taking it towards the studio your eyes were focused on the cake watching out for anything that could ruin it. You pushed your back against the door and saw everything set up perfectly, if not better.

You gasped at the beautiful sight as Tom came over and told you they would be here in 5 minutes. "Okay." You replied and headed over to put the cake on the buffet table.

"Does it look okay?" Chris asked hope clear in his eyes.

"It looks perfect. Thank you so much." You said hugging him.

"They're here!" Scarlett whisper yelled as everyone hid and the lights dimmed.

"What?! No, I'm still dirty." You said to Harry as he pulled you hand and hid you behind the table. "Crap." You said trying to rub it off but it only smudged further. You were full of icing and your hair was messy.

Sam walked in and Harrison was behind him secretly filming. Everyone jumped out of their places as someone turned the lights back on.

"SURPRISE!" They yelled. And Sam stood there shocked before his eyes landed on you and widened more. You walked over to him and he brought you into a hug straight away.

"I thought you were still in London." He said still hugging you.

"I've been here for a week." You said giggling. "I couldn't miss your birthday." He pulled away from the hug and looked around at everything then back to you.

"I missed you so much." He said. You mumbled a same before he smashed his plump lips into yours. Both of your hands instantly wrapped around each other, yours going around his neck and his around your waist. Pulling away his eyes darted over to the cake and a huge smile landed on his face.

"Did you make that for me?" He asked. You nodded and intertwined your fingers with his, walking over so he could see it. "It's beautiful (Y/N), you're so talented." He said, kissing my cheek.

All his brothers came over with the cast and got ready for a photo. "Paddy, what you doing here?" He asked surprised once again pulling his little brother into a hug.

"I came with your girlfriend." He said laughing and hugging back. One photo was taken of them hugging.

Another photo was of everyone and another was of him and his brothers. After that he came over to you and brought you in for another hug, you faces inches apart, both of your hands in each other's waist

"Thanks, babe." He said almost against your lips. "I love you so much." Your heartbeat raised and fluttered

"I love you too." You said back. Leaning in for a soft kiss. Moving your hands up his body to cup his cheeks.


You pulled apart and looked over to see Harry with his camera and Tom, Harrison and Paddy watching with guilty faces. Then behind them was the whole cast and crew saying a few choruses of 'awwww' and 'they're so cute'.

You hid your head in your hands then into Sam's chest as you blushed like a maniac. He hugged you with his hands on you mid back and his head resting on yours.



A/N ~ Hey guys I would love to have some requests but for now, I hope you liked this one and the two bold lines halfway through the story were thought of by a really funny and talented writer JustSomeone69 maybe check out her books!!!

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