Stop! Please

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Walking home from school you made sure to watch you every step and look round all the corners. Today you had done the worst thing ever, stood up to your bullies. It should've been a good thing - normally is - but they just threatened you even more, saying they were going to make you suffer.


Sitting in class you kept your head down, always have and always will. You not very popular or well known but you get along just fine. Because you're an orphan, a lot of people tease you about it, but there are two people who make your life hell. Caleb and Aaron.

But they weren't the only ones.

Everyone at the orphanage was adored by Ms Matthews, except you. She would physically hurt you, not often, just when she got drunk.

It was Mrs Adams class, history, and your bullies were two seats down from you. We were talking about balance and how nothing stays the same. You weren't really listening and still sore from last night beating in the ribs.

"Y/N?" Mrs Adams said making everyone turn to you whilst your head snapped up towards her. "Are you paying attention?"

"Um.. yeah." You said slightly reassuringly.

"Ok well, why don't you tell us then." She said as your heart sped up, she and you both knew you weren't listening.

"I'm sorry can you repeat the question?" You asked, embarrassed. The whole class giggled whilst you cowered back in my chair. Caleb turned around and rolled his eyes at you, scoffing, putting his hand up to answer the question.

"No, nothing stays the same forever, eventually someone will learn from their mistakes or people will move on from a habit-" He's pissing you off now.

"Really?" You asked slightly annoyed. Everyone faced you once again with shock whereas Caleb and Aaron faced with anger, clenching their jaw.

"Really? People learn from their mistakes and move on do they?" You scoffed, "Maybe that's why you haven't learnt from yours, cause you're simply too dumb to be a human" You hissed.

The class ooohed whilst Caleb mouthed 'You're dead' through gritted teeth. At that moment you rolled your eyes thinking nothing of it, being too tired and sick of everything. But now you wished you hadn't.


Turning a corner and being too caught up in the memory, you forgot to look and tripped over someone's leg.

"Well, well, well look who we have here Aaron" Caleb taunted glaring at me.

"It looks like a homeless girl." Aaron answered smirking.

You scrambled back in fear only to come in contact with a wall, and another. You looked around and realised it was a dead end in the middle of nowhere.

"Well, whatever it is, it's going home injured." Caleb said clicking his knuckles.

"She can go cry to her mummy- oh, wait. She doesn't have one." Aaron commented and then connected his fist with your left cheekbone, pain shot like lightning through your face.

"Nice one mate," My other bully said giving him a high-five. "Now it's my turn and I won't go easy." You scooted further back hoping maybe the wall would swallow you up.

He grabbed your chin and made you look at him "You embarrassed me today. Now, you're going to pay." And with that he punched you square in the nose, pain spreading like poison.

And another hit to the nose making it bleed, then a kick to the stomach and one to the ribs making you fall down lower, wincing. Then Aaron came over and kicked your head making spots cloud your vision.

One more punch came down on your face making you realise your busted and bleeding lip. As well as a bleeding nose and bruised eye. You spit out blood and it covered your chin.

"Stop! Please." You said the loudest that you could but in response Aaron grabbed your blood covered face and threw his arm back, getting ready for another punch. Before he could go any further, a voice called out.

"Leave her alone!" Your vision was still blurry and you were dazed so you couldn't see the source of the voice. Both boys turned around and then Caleb turned back to you in disgust. Aaron dropped your weak head and walked over to the voice, yours eyes strained to watch but, your body had had enough, and you blacked out.


Your head pounded so hard you could hear it. Eyes heavy as weights and body stiff as a rusted bolt. Moaning at the pain, you slowly managed to bring a hand to your head and rub your eyes.

Still extremely sore you peeled your eyes open to see four boys standing above you. Blinking rapidly you gasped as you remembered the beating from Caleb and Aaron. Sitting up quickly all the boys snapped their heads up to follow your moves. You got up from the sofa and backed away but only got one step back as more pain instantly shot to your head and ribs.

One of them around your age put his hand on your shoulders to steady you as you grunted. Breathing heavily you put your hands on each of his wrists for more support.

"Are you okay?" He asked, deep voice making your ears hurt even though he didn't talk that loud. You winced from it, eyes shutting tight. The eldest boy stepped forward and offered help.

"Hey, why don't you let me try?" He asked putting a hand on the younger's shoulder. You watched them have a conversation with their eyes until he stood down and let the elder balance you.

"Hey, I'm Tom. I don't know who you are but we're just trying to help." He said hopefully. You looked at him, finally catching your breath. Your eyes wandered over to the other boys who looked sceptical and hopeful.

Taking a deep breath and looking back Tom you nodded unsure of what's to come.

A/N ~ Part two coming soon! I wonder who saved her life? Comment who you think!

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