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You and Harrison were playing your favourite game on the PS4, Call of Duty: Black Ops 3. It was just you and him against each other on the map and he kept killing you!

You face scrunched up in concentration and he just laughed as it came to him with ease. You stuck your tongue out at him and turned around in the game to see he had killed you again.

You groaned in frustration and threw your head back against the sofa, shutting your eyes.

"Come on, babe. Try once more and see how you do." He said chuckling, you glared at him remember how he said that after the past games.

"You said that the last six times. If you win, I'll..." You looked around thinking about what he loved. You smirked having found the most precious thing to him. "I'll sell your camera."

He gasped and put on a bitch face. "You wouldn't dare." He said in a low voice.

"Oh, but I would." You fake pouted and started playing the game.

About four minutes later and he had killed you five times but the game still hadn't finished so he hadn't won yet. You found him and he hadn't seen you yet so you got ready to shoot him - being you and having no experience in video games, it took you a while to position the gun.

Your aim landed right in his head, all you had to do was pull the trigger. Just as you put your fingers on the button, Harrison slipped his fingers over your controller which gave him time to shoot you... again.

"Harrison!!" You yelled getting annoyed. "I swear one more time and that camera is gone." You said, not really in the mood anymore.

"Okay, okay." He laughed. The game still hadn't finished so you still had some time. You thought of multiple ways to cheat but none of them would work. Unless...

You started the game and got into position like last time, aiming right for his head. But before he could turn around you smashed your lips onto his, making him drop his controller.

He tried putting a hand in your cheek to deepen the kiss but you backed away from him and shot him in the head.

"Y/N!" He shouted clearly annoyed. "You cheated!" He said a bit lower than his previous shout.

"No." You said, keeping a straight face a shaking your head. "I mean if that was cheating then you've been cheating since we started this game." You kept deadly serious with a straight expression.

"How?" He said above the normal volume and dragging his word out. You pointed at his hands.

"You have big hands." You explained, with a #sorrynotsorry expression. "It gives you an advantage."

"Right, so you thought that kissing me would help you win." He said shrugging his shoulders.

"Nope." Keeping the serious expression. "If I wanted to win, I'd do this."

You threw your right leg around his legs and straddled him with your arms holding you up, using the back of the sofa. You lent in and placed your lips on his as he lifted his hands to your waist, holding you up. The kiss stayed gentle till you pulled away with his bottom lip between your teeth.

He opened his eyes when he lost your touch and you smirked at him. "What? Did I lose?" You asked, pouting.

"You're about to lose something." He remarked, pushing you down onto the sofa, hovering above you.

"I never want to win if this is the apology." You said, thinking about tonight.

And after that night, you would never try to win.

A/N ~ Teeny, tiny bit smutty. Not too bad though.

Thanks for reading!

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