Stop! Please (part 2)

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They sat you down on the sofa and asked you if you were okay to which you simply responded 'Yes, I'm fine'. Sam, as you previously learnt, went to get you a glass of water, whilst Harry, the first one to talk to you, comforted you.

"Here you go." Sam handed you the glass. Shakily you took it and drank half. Tom was sitting to your right on the armrest and Harry's on your left on the sofa. Paddy was sitting on the coffee table in front of you and Sam was standing next to Tom making a full circle.

"Thanks." You half whispered, throat still sounding hoarse. You put the glass down on the table you scooted back on the sofa. Clearing your throat, you spoke up soflty. "How did I get here?"

"I noticed the boys in class giving you looks, then saying that you're dead. So I followed you home to make sure you were safe." Harry said. Your heart melted at that, he noticed you and cared about you. No one's ever done that before. "But then I lost you, I don't know how. So I went around trying to find you, by the time I got there you were already hurt. Then I turned their attention over to me and punched them both."

"And cause Harry isn't strong enough I came over and said that if they didn't leave I would call the police." Tom inputted, smirking. You smiled thankfully at him. Then Harry continued on with his story.

"By the time they left and I walked over to you, you were out cold. So I brought you back here and put you on the sofa to rest." He finished. During his speech, you touched your face and realised all the blood was cleared up.

Smiling to yourself, you spoke, "Did you clean me up?" You asked which resulted in Harry blushing and nodding. "Thank you, it was probably a horrible thing to do." Chuckling dryly.

"I didn't mind." He said. At that moment everything stopped and you were both lost in each other's eyes. His doe brown eyes glistened and stared deep into your E/C ones like he was reading you. Neither of your eyes moved an inch to look anywhere else, it was as if the only thing you needed to see was your eyes.

Someone cleared their throat making you both blink, blush and look away from each other in a heartbeat, even though your heart skipped one. You looked over to the voice and saw Sam smirking at the two of you. You looked down to your hands, now remembering the pain all over your body. "Um, can I have some painkillers, please?" You asked.

"Yeah, of course." Tom said leaving the room and coming back with two. "Here you go." He said handing you the medicine and picking up the glass from earlier also giving it to you.

"Thanks." You said and took the pills. Putting the glass down and swallowing two pills you sat still in awkward silence. "I should probably go." You said standing up, only to topple over and lean on the armrest for support.

Sam propped you up, hands on your shoulder once again.

"We'll give you a lift." Paddy spoke for the first time, making you smile softly at him.

"It's fine, thanks." You said, kindly pushing down Sam's hands. "If you don't mind me asking, how long was I out?" You asked turning back to Harry and Tom.

"About half an hour." Harry replied before his brother could say a word. You nodded to him and smiled at the other brothers.

You walked towards the front door of their house and put your hand on the door handle. Before you could go any further, you turned back around and smiled "Thank you." They smiled back "For everything." You walked out the door but before you closed it, you popped your head in and said, "The names Y/N by the way."

And with that, you walked out the door- for the second time -and shut it quietly behind you. Still not realising how they were a family full of actors, directors, photographers and social media stars.


Finally making it back to the orphanage at quarter to six, almost two hours late, you slipped in trying not to make a noise and alert Ms Matthews of your presence. Looking around the corner you could see her watching the television. You walked towards the stairs watching each one as if they could understand that you needed to be quiet.

Thankfully you got to the top with no one bothering you.

Thought ran through your mind the whole night, remembering how shit it was here, and how nice Harry and his family were. You jumped off of your bed, taking a small bag off the top of your wardrobe and packing only the essentials before hopping out your window, and heading straight to him.


Walking up the steps towards the house your nerves jumped and had to take a deep breath to calm down. Why were you scared? You knuckles connected with the wood and you waited patiently.

The door swung open to reveal a woman with her pyjamas on and the tv on in the background. "Hello?" She said questionably.

"Hi, is Harry here?" Just as the words left your mouth, the brothers and an older man came round the corner "Hey." You said to Harry.

"Y/N?" He asked as you nodded. "What are you doing here?" He asked stepping into the doorway as his mum backed up to stand next to the boys. Tears lightly welled in your eyes so light that you weren't sure if he could see them, even though your faces were only two feet apart.

"Um...I just came to say thank you." You readjusted the strap of your bag as it slipped down your shoulder. "So, thank you, for helping me out earlier. I don't know what I would have done if you didn't come."

"It's okay, I mean my brothers help-" You cut him off straight away knowing he was probably just shy or something.

"No. If you weren't the only person to notice me in class, I-if you weren't as thoughtful or kind." I rambled "If you didn't care... then I would probably be dead right now." You took a deep breath. "So thank you, Harry I-Don't-Know-Your-Last-Name." You chuckled

Tears were now probably clear in your eyes but not close to spilling. He came closer to you, faces just inches apart and sorrows wrote in every crease of his face. In a flash, he hugged you and a silent tear run down your face as you close your eyes.

You opened your eyes, still in Harry's arms, and wiped away the tear looking at his family and smiling. You pulled away and nodded at him, walking away. "Wait!" You turned around. "Why have you got a travel bag?"

"I couldn't live in my orphanage any more." You shook your head. "Gotta find somewhere nice to live." Pointing you thumb backwards, indicating what you spoke.

"Do you want to stay here for a bit?" He said and you heart fluttered. "Get some rest?" He turned around to ask his mum but before he could ask she instantly nodded.

"Are you sure?" You asked thinking it was all too much. He nodded with a smile on his face and you walked over to him. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." He said smiling more if that was even possible. And then you both smashed your lips into each other, wrapping your arms around his neck whilst his went around your waist. Both your lips moved in sync until he pulled away and said, "It's a bit embarrassing in front of my family."

"Then introduce me to them." You whispered against his lips.


A/N ~ Hope you liked it, I did! Please don't forget you can comment on this book or pm me for requests xx

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