Broken (part 2)

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Harrison's POV

I don't think Y/N knows that I found her darkest entry, she was probably just thinking I'd skip through and not give a shit. I will always care about her.

I know you're probably thinking that I don't even know her, but I don't have to know her to be able to realise that she is a caring person, beautiful and she needs fixing.

I can fix her.


Once Harrison and Tom left you went up to Nurse Jackson smirking with your arms folded. She turned around once she heard your feet padding on the floor.

"Anything you wanna tell me?" You asked shaking your head slightly and shrugging your shoulders.

"No, don't think so." She played along without smiling. Oh, she's good.

"Really, then how come uh, Tom and Harrison were just in my room?" You asked innocently.

"Were they really? Now that is a coincidence." She said smiling slightly. You just laughed and flopped your arms down to the side.

"Thank you so much." You said engulfing her in a big hug. Tears welling up ever so slightly. She pulled away and chuckled at your glossy eyes.

"Why are you crying sweetheart?" She asked in a hushed whisper, wiping them away before they fell.

"This is, by far, the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me." You said, voice cracking ever so slightly. "Trust me."

"Aww come here, Hun." She pulled you in for another one crushing hug. "Oh, and they left this for you!" She said happily handing you the off-white envelope.

"Thanks." You said confused and taking the letter back to your room with you. You reached your bedroom fairly quickly in anticipation and sat straight down on your bed. Opening the letter you saw who it was from first, Harrison.

Dear, Y/N

I noticed your diary entry at the back, I also noticed you wrote that when you were only 14. No one should feel like that, especially that early in life. I'm sad that I couldn't be there to help you at that time and it frustrates me that I still can't do anything today.

Another thing that I noticed is that it's your birthday tomorrow. I would love to meet up with you and get to know you.

So (Y/N), please meet me at the cinema tomorrow, at 5:30 pm. I can't wait to meet you again!

~ Harrison

P.S Tom won't be there! Don't worry.

P.P.S Don't dress up too fancy but not your famous green sweatpants.

You chuckled at his joke and his attempt to make you happy. Your heart melted and grew at the same time at the fact that he didn't run when he read your diary or ignore you because you were so... broken.

You knew exactly what to wear for the film, probably because you always wanted to go on a date and had planned your outfit for when it happened. This was your very first date.


You were taken to the cinema by Nurse Jackson as Harrison already asked for her permission first to take you out, she's like your mum

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You were taken to the cinema by Nurse Jackson as Harrison already asked for her permission first to take you out, she's like your mum. It was 5:25 so she pulled up on the side of the road outside the cinema.

"I love you so much, (Y/N). You're the daughter I never had, you deserve this if not more. Now go in there and show him how hot you look." She said laughing with admiration in her eyes. You chuckled and got out the car, straightening your outfit out.

Walking over to the building you saw Harrison outside in a smart shirt and jeans, he smiled over at you when you came into view. His eyes wandered over to something behind you and his face instantly dropped scared. You turned around and saw Nurse Jackson's face instantly turn from a glare towards Harrison to a sweet smile towards you.

You faced back to Harrison and shot him an apologetic smile. "Sorry about her, she's like my mum." You said facing the floor, blushing.

"It's okay" He chuckled. "You look really nice." He said walking into the cinema smiling at you. Whilst you got redder with every second he spent staring at you. Harrison paid for the tickets, Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates and a large popcorn.

You stared at the floor as he paid and started thinking about how you don't eat and Harrison must've forgotten. You shifted the weight from one foot to another uncomfortably and fiddled with your fingers.

Lifting your head up you started walking away with Harrison and the food in his hands.

Until he threw it away.

"Why did you do that?" You asked confused. He smiled at you and shook his head.

"I don't need it." He simply said smiling softly.  "Come on let's go watch the movie." He said lacing his fingers with yours.

"You didn't have to." You said looking down, blushing. He put two fingers under your chin and lifted your head to stare into his deep ocean blue eyes.

"I wanted to." He said pulling your cheek to his lips and gently pecking a quick kiss down, shyly. He pulled away rested his hand on the other cheek rubbing his thumb along your cheekbone.

"Let's go watch the movie." He said walking with his other hand still laced with yours. You had a fangirly smile on your face even though you were no longer just a fangirl to him...

But something more.


A/N ~ A lot of people liked part one to this so... here it is! I hope you liked it and keep the requests coming! *Important note * You guys are perfect the way you are, please don't go ruining your body because of either a bad reason or a bully. I'm always here so PM me and I'll reply as soon as I can! I promise. Your perfect the way you are. I don't have to know you to know that*

Thanks for reading!

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