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Italics ~ Lyrics


"Hey, guys!" You waved at the camera. "So everyone has been commenting on my videos to watch Tom Holland's lip sync battle, so here it is. My reaction to Tom's lip sync, let's go." You waved your hands to the side and your reaction came across the screen.

In the top left corner, the battle was playing whilst your video was on the whole page. It started being paused in the corner as you made your first comment.

"Real snazzy pose right there." You laughed. Playing the video you made comments all the way through. The music started and your eyes light up and snapped to the camera. "I love this song!"

"What a glorious feeling, I'm happy again. Just singing, singing in the rain." You sang along, swaying side to side in your chair.

He went behind the umbrellas and you got suspicious.

"I feel like something really big is going to happen..." You trailed off as Tom came out, dressed up. Laughed as hard and loud as you could, seeing Tom dressed like a stripper or something. You fell off your chair from laughing too hard and had a mini fit on the floor, half out the camera. Legs flailing in the air.

After a minute of laughing and the video is paused, you finally got up taking deep breaths and resting your arms on the chair and kneeling on the floor. Taking a final breath you got onto the chair and looked at the camera.

"That was great." You said chuckling from the memory. Pressing play, Tom was now dancing with the umbrella.

'Said I'll always be your friend'

"I feel bad for the umbrella." I commented, disgustedly. "On the other hand, I wanna be the umbrella." You said with a cheeky grin.

"You can stand under my umbrella." You sang along dancing and smiling at his actions.

You burst out laughing when he slut dropped, clapping your hands like a seal. "Yes, Tom! Mate, that was great!" You laughed.

For the rest of the video, you laughed and commented on funny bits for your YouTube fans and soon it came to an end. You had tears in your eyes from laughing so hard.

"Guys. that was amazing! Thank you so much for requesting that! I probably laughed too hard at this." You smiled at the camera. "That's is for this video everyone, Thanks for watching and I'll see you all next Wednesday with (Y/N), little movie lover, is out. Byeeeeeeee." You did your outro and ended the video.

Tom, who was watching the whole thing on his IPad, commented on the video. 'It's Tom, just watched this and you were absolutely great! Wanna meet up?'

After that comment, you got his number and started texting, discussing your free dates and planning a get-together for next Thursday.


Thursday came around soon and you met Tom at your favourite cafe and chatted for ages. Now whenever you make videos and post on Instagram, he always comments and you always text. Not seeing him much from his filming, so you just texted.

You two were great friends and during the times you did meet, he introduced you to Harrison, his brothers and other friends. Good thing you did that video.

A/N ~ I'm so sorry for this crappy one, I'm really stuck for ideas. I love all of your comments XD.

Thanks for reading!

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