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Y/N/N ~ Your nickname
*warning; cockblocking,*

You and Tom were great friends. Had been since you were three and he was four. When you heard about him getting casted for Spiderman: Homecoming you were so happy for him.

He had invited you to America for a small get together with Harry, Sam, Harrison, Jacob, Zendaya and Laura. Just in his pool, in his garden.

Tom had booked you a flight over to him as well as Sam and Harry. Thank god you didn't have to fly alone, that would be a terrible idea. All your luggage would be lost and you would probably miss your flight.

Once you reached the house you heard lots of laughing and splashing - they're probably in the pool. Harry pushed open the gate to the garden with Sam behind him than you, all with a suitcase.

"Hey, guys!" Tom yelled. He walked to his brothers and you and instantly pulled you in for a hug since you hadn't seen him for like four years with all his work, you still texted though, you two are major friends.

"Y/N! I've missed you, how have you been?" He asked walking with you three to put your luggage away in the house.

"I've been great thanks, what about you?" You asked already knowing the answer since his life is all over YouTube.

"Acting." He answered opening the guest bedroom door for you. "I'll leave you to unpack."

Putting all your clothes sways and making sure everything was organised you walked out the room in your bikini and a kimono that reached just below your waist.

You walked over to the sunbathing beds and sat down next to Zendaya who was next to Laura.

"Hey, I'm Y/N." You said. "Mind if I sit here?" You asked pointing to the bed.

"Of course yeah, I'm Zendaya." She said sticking out her hand for you to shake.

"I'm Laura." The brunette said sticking out her hand as well. You smiled politely at them both after shaking their hand and then sat down to sunbathe for a bit as well as the other two girls.

"Hey Y/N! Why don't you come in?" Harrison shouted, you knew him since Tom met him and instantly became friends. The other boys agreed and looked at you for an answer.

"I'm alright, thanks." You said putting your shades on.


About half an hour later you were sitting on the edge of the pool, legs dangling in the water, talking to the boys and girls who were all in the pool.

"I'm gonna go grab the inflatables." Tom said taking Harrison with him. They got out the pool when Jacob whispered something to Zendaya and she giggled slightly.

You watched your feet swishing in the water when you felt a force push you into the water and someone shouting.

"No!" Was all you heard before the sound of the silent water slipped into your ears and sounded like an earthquake. You heard people laughing thinking it was a joke, but you couldn't swim.

You pushed as hard as you could to get to the top but hand just skimmed it. Your legs and arms flailed around trying to get to the surface but nothing happened.

Your breath started to shorten as time grew to fifteen seconds long. Although it's not that long, doing that much movement without breathing and the panic making you need to take deep breaths made it seem like ten minutes.

Something pierced through the water top instantly grabbed a hold of your waist, pulling you towards safety.

Within a heartbeat you were on the poolside, coughing up water and breathing deeply. Someone's arms wrapped around your waist in an instant, rubbing circles on your back to try and soothe your rapid breathing and coughing. You knew it was Tom by the warmth in his chest and you double confirmed it when you heard his voice.

"Breathe Y/N, breathe." He said calmly but with a hint of fright in his voice. You closed your eyes and breathed deeply, in and out. After finally regaining your breath and clearing all the water out of your lungs, you saw Jacob and Zendaya looking at you with guilt and Laura, Sam and Harry were scared, Harrison was pretty shaken up, you were like a sister to him.

You pulled away from Tom and looked around as if you were only now taking in the situation. Your legs were crossed next to you and half over Toms legs and hands on his shoulders, not even a metre away from the pool. Jacob and Zendaya were stood behind Tom and to the left whilst his brothers and Laura were a step behind them and to the right with Harrison standing behind Tom directly.

"I'm okay." You said trying to sound confident but actually coming out small and shy. You looked over to Tom and stared deeply into his hazel eyes. "Thank you."

"It's fine, I shouldn't have left." He said shaking his head and looking down. "I knew you couldn't swim, I shouldn't have left."

"Tom." You lifted one hand from his shoulder to lift his chin and the other to rub his cheek. "You didn't know they were going to do that, even if you did, they were to find out some way." You reassured him. "The hard way just seemed to be their choice." You giggled trying to lighten the mood.

"I can't lose you Y/N." He said holding your hand on his cheek and slightly leaning into your touch. You stared at him confused whilst he chuckled. "I love you, Y/N/N." He said, hope in his eyes.

"I love you too." You confessed, baffled that he shared the same feelings. He placed his hands on your cheeks and both of yours stayed place on his. Tom and you both leaned in and you close your eyes, diving into complete silence.

Which was broken by Harrison clearing his throat, making you and Tom snap away from each other and you turn your head to face the other direction. "We get it, you love each other, he just saved your life but seriously no cliché crap, please." He said grumbling slightly.

The others laughed at his mini-rant whilst all the blood rushed to your cheeks. Turning around you saw Tom with the same face. You laughed slightly and Tom joined in, standing up and reaching a hand to help you up which you thankfully took.

Standing up finally, he put an arm around your shoulder and everyone went inside. After that, you all watched movies and ordered pizza. A great night in, with your new - and old - life long friends.

A/N ~ Hope you liked it. My second update today, Yay! Don't forget to request anything you want and keep commenting your funny comments!

Thanks for reading!

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