How You Sleep

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Tom ~ He is always the big spoon and you fit perfectly inside his arms for the night.

Harrison ~ He lays on his back and you rest your head on his chest, falling asleep to the sound of his steady heartbeat.

Harry ~ Wearing one of his t-shirts every night had become a habit, but he thought it was adorable. He took a picture of you once and captioned it 'My sleeping beauty'

Sam ~ He was shy with the relationship but adorable with it. When you went to bed you would spoon sometimes and listen to his breathing patterns, trusting them to help you sleep.

Peter ~ You always fell asleep by yourself but didn't mind as half way through the night of not being able to sleep, insomnia, Peter came through the window and handed you a hot chocolate or warm milk in his spidey outfit.

A/N ~ I'm finally going to bed!

Thanks for reading!

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