That Spidey Life

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This was requested by hollandspidey Hope you like it. Thanks for the request!

You were playing a part on Spider-Man: Homecoming and had gotten to know Tom really well, more than well. You were 100% positive that you had a crush on him and like 45% positive he had a crush on you...

But you were nothing more than friends and that was absolutely okay with you.

You were currently filming a scene where, surprisingly, Tom wasn't needed and it was going along great. It was finished within four hours which is actually really short for a scene that long and Tom was now needed.

You walked over to his trailer whilst on Snapchat, just looking through peoples storeys - same old, same old. Walking up to Toms door you heard a lot of noise coming from inside "Hey, hey, hey." Tom sang. You pushed open the door to reveal Tom, in his suit, dancing like Bruno Mars and singing to That Sidey Life with his headphones on.

You giggled a bit as he hadn't turned around and couldn't hear you with the headphones on. You lifted your phone and instantly recorded it all, thankful for the new Snapchat update allowing you to video more than just ten to fifteen seconds.

Webslingin' all around Manhattan

Tony Stark What's hapnin'?

Gotta new suit it's stylin'

So gon' and get to snappin'

I pose it for yah playas

Po-pose it for yah

Do a flip then drop a perpetrator

Stop, Stop 'em for yah

Got an apartment with my Auntie

Old Suit look like Jammies (yep)

Make me an Avenger

Spider-man in that family (Spider-Man!)

You got me if you want me

Tony, got me if you want me

He finished stopped mid-lyric as he faced you with a stupid expression on his (non-masked) face. You laughed really loudly and stopped filming, needing to put a hand on your stomach from the pain and the other on your knee for support.

"Y/N." He said embarrassed, taking off his headphones. "Umm, what are you doing here." You just waved your hand in the air, unable to speak, panting like a dog.

After finally regaining your breath, you sighed and stood up. You smirked at Tom, waving your phone in the air.

"That's going on Instagram." You said back towards the door, knowing he was going to chase you.

"Y/N..." He warned nervously. You just screeched and ran out the trailer door, with Tom close behind you.

Both of you ran around the trailer lot in circles, over and over again. Tom was in much better shape than you, and almost everyone you've ever met, so he caught up to you pretty quickly and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you into the air.

You squealed a bit, flailing your legs around before he put you down and you locked your phone so he couldn't get into it, also thankful that you had already saved the video.

He turned you around and put his hand out, asking for the phone. You just shook your head no so he tickled your waist and neck till you couldn't breathe.

"Okay. Okay!" You shouted whilst laughing. He stopped and smirked at you with his arms folded. "I'll won't post the video..."

"Thank you." He said gratefully.

"If you go on a date with me." You sneakily asked, smiling like an idiot. He bit his lip at the thought of going on a date with you and nodded his head.

"Okay, sure. This Saturday, be ready at five. I'm picking you up." He said. And just like that, he left, without another word, leaving you there grinning stupidly.


Just like he promised, he picked you up at five o'clock and took you to a beautiful restaurant, paying for your meal and then driving you back.

"Thank you so much, Tom." You said unlocking your door to your trailer. He stood with his hands in his pockets and smiled like he hadn't done enough of it already.

"That's okay, I had fun." He said.

"Do you want to come in?" You asked, not wanting to leave him just yet.

"Sure." He said, slightly taken aback from your comment.

He walked in and you set up a movie and sat down getting comfy with him on your left.

"I'll get the blankets you get the popcorn." You said going towards the bedroom. He nodded and you walked towards the bedroom locking the door then into the bathroom and locking that door.

You got out your phone and posted the video of Tom singing on Instagram, knowing he had your post notifications on. So as soon as you posted it, not even twenty seconds later his phone buzzed, signalling you that your death was near!


Oh, your death was coming soon - and luck really isn't on your side this time.

A/N ~ Hope you like it!! Keep commenting lovely stuff, it really makes my day.

Thanks for reading!

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