Always Here ~ Brothers

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(I'm very sorry if your name is Lily or Maeve! Requested by mushroompowercat )
*warning; fighting, bullying*

Every day it's the same mean comments from the girls at school. Maeve and Lily, the school's popular girls, constantly bullied you. The same comments about how ugly you were or about your clothes style.

Paddy would never see it as he was in a younger school and Sam and Harry were too old, so they weren't in school anymore.

Walking home you dwelled over today's actions.

Sitting by the bus stop you were alone and no one was around over to a seat in the far corner, like always. You were always alone.

It wasn't that you were weird, you just weren't very sociable, and didn't want to be. So when Maeve and Lily saw you for the very first time all alone. You instantly became their victim and it just never stopped.

It was only ever harsh words and shoves when you were younger, but now you're 16 and they resorted to beating you up every so often.

Luckily you were the first home, almost every night. So you could just get straight in and cover it up with makeup or long sleeves. If you weren't the first then you would just blame it on your 'clumsiness'.

"(Y/N)" Someone shouted and pulled you out of the daydream you now realised you were having.

Looking up you saw Maeve and Lily, the She-Devils, standing in front of you pissed and creeped out at the same time.

"What are you staring at, freak?" Lily hissed, red hair flowing in front of her shoulders from the wind.

"I was just... umm... I'm only waiting for the bus." You coughed every pause. Subtly picking up your bag for a quick exit.

"Did we say you could talk to us?" Maeve asked you in a strangely calm voice.

"Sorry." You whispered, looking down.

"You will be." Maeve chuckled, crossing her arms. You looked up at them again.

"No wonder your sitting by yourself, you're a freak." Lilly said.

"And a disgrace to your family." The other bitch continued.

"Tom and Harry are out there making more money than you ever will. You Mum and Dad are more well known than you. Even Sam and Paddy are famous because of your brothers, yet no one likes you." Lily finished, pulling a fake confused face. "I wonder why?"

"Is it because your ugly?" Maeve asked coming and sitting beside you.

"Is it because you have no skills, smarts or talents?" Lily asked copying Maeve's movement from the other side.

"Or is it because you can't stand up for yourself?" Maeve whispered in your ear.

"Or is it because your a nobody and your family hate you." She emphasised the word 'hate' and they both looked at each other across your solemn face, knowing they'd hurt you soon.

"Come on, let's go." Maeve said, dragging you by the arm and Lily on the other.

Once you reached a clear space, without notice, a pain struck through your left cheek.

You barely stumbled much and your hand shoots up to touch the blazing hot spot. Looking towards them you see Maeve smirking and instantly knew she slapped me and recognised it now.

Spots of tear formed behind your eyes from the pain but your face remained sadly straight, not daring to let them know how much you hated this.

Lily raised her fist and within the blink of an eye, she round-housed you. You stumbled back and tripped over a rock, falling to the ground.

You hit my head on the grassy floor and your eyes blurred for a second. Lifting your head slightly, you saw them standing over you, like lost puppies and then they kicked you in the stomach, one at a time.

Maeve hit you in a spot that made you gasp louder than last time, letting you know that it was going to bruise.

It was followed by them lifting you up and you spotted the few kids who were walking past now looking your way. Lily took a punch to your jawline and your teeth cut into your lip, letting blood trail around the side of your lip and down to your chin.

Still, you remained standing, white-hot tears covering your eyes.

Maeve finished it all off by knocking your eye, hard. You face was tired and eyes bruised heavily. Ribs were bruised and you wouldn't be surprised if they were dented, even though it's unlikely.

"God, your even uglier." Maeve commented, disgusted with your appearance.

"That's not even possible, she was a freak before." Lily scoffed, crossing her arms.

Why was today so much worse than the others? You didn't do anything wrong, did you? You never do anything wrong in the first place, they must just be bored today.

The few kids looking over did nothing and walked away.

"Come on, let's go." Lily told Maeve as a bus pulled up.

You just watched them walk away after a horrible past three minutes and breathed heavily. An exhausted expression laid on your face as they disappeared in the distance and you finally walked away, not going on the bus.


Walking home gave you time to cry your eyes out, thankful for the alleyways filled with no people whatsoever.

It also gave you time to realise that Tom, Harrison and Harry were coming home from the Spider-Man tour in a couple of weeks.

Sam was at work and Paddy was at a friends house. Mum and dad were out taking photos somewhere in London.

Your bruises were a secret once again.

Opening the door to your house, all the lights were off. Turning around to lock the door, you turned the lights on, sniffing with a few tears trickling down, and heard someone shouting.

"Suprise!" They shouted. You turned around in pure shock, making your heart beat a million times faster but a smile came onto your face in an instant when you saw Tom, Harrison and Harry in front of you.

A/N ~ This got really long so I transferred it into two parts. Sorry. Thanks for the request mushroompowercat! If my writing has caused any memories about bullying, I'm very sorry! PM me for support if you want it.

Thanks for reading!

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