There's Nothing Holding Me Back

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Jumping around your bedroom, you belted out the words to your favourite song since, well, ever. You skipped over to your vanity table and picked up the pink hairbrush, you used it as a microphone and kept it near your mouth.

'I wanna let her take control'

Jumping into your bed, messing up your ocean blue covers you strike different poses, pretending to be a rockstar

You jumped in the air making a stupid pose and landing softly on the floor. You feet dance smoothly yet wildly to the music as you closed your eyes singing the next line with all your life.

'Oh, I've been shaking I love it when you crazy,  you take all my inhibitions, baby there's nothing holding me back!'

Getting ready for the big chorus, you got on your knees on the floor dramatically. Keeping your eyes closed you sang out once again.

'Baby there's nothing holding me back'

You got up from your knees and sang the rest of the song. When you spin around for the next lyric, a voice called out the same words.

'She says that she's never afraid, just picture everybody naked'

Turning around you spotted Tom staring in your doorway, leaning on the side. He was singing along with you, every single word.

'Pulls me in enough to keep me guessing, maybe I should stop and start confessing.'

He walked softly towards you with pure adoration in his eyes and stopped right in front of you, both of you smiling with laughter.

Even those that he was a bit short for his age, you still had to tilt your head ever so slightly to look into his adorable hazel eyes. Your E/C eyes stared back in his like if you looked deep enough, there would lie his deepest secret.

Less than an inch away from your face he whispered the last words.

'Confessing, yeah'

And with that, he leant in and placed his lips into yours. They fit perfectly together like you were soulmates and moved in sync. Your eyes fluttered closed as you saw Toms close and drifted off into white, silent nothingness. It was amazing.

His hand snaked around your waist whilst your went to his neck. Your fingers played with the hair at the nape of his neck and his folded together at the bottom of your back.

There wasn't much difference in height between you two so you were both comfortable in the kiss. You felt a passion and hunger in the kiss, but it was only kind and gentle.

Pulling away from each other your hands stayed where they were and your eyes slowly opened to meet his staring down at you.

"That was amazing." You whispered on his lips. You mouth stretch into a smile with a million bucks and his copies your actions.

"There is nothing holding me back." He emphasised. You both chuckled and blushed, holding your foreheads against one another.

A/N ~ Heyyy. I'm back. I have been really stuck for ideas so requests would help a lot and thank you SO SO SO much for the votes, it really means a lot.

Thanks for reading!

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