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LGBT+ sister
*maybe a warning? Not sure but obviously talks about sexuality, confusion and coming out*

Walking to Tom, with the courage you had mustered up, you prepared your speech in you head, not knowing how to say this.

This could either be really bad or really good, and the latter is what you were hoping for. This single conversation could determine your whole future relationship with him as his only sister.

Tom sat down in the living room, watching tv with Harry and Harrison sitting either side of him. You simply coughed, clearing your throat to make sure you didn't waver your voice.

"Tom can I speak to you please?" You asked, hands folding together in front of you. All their heads snapped towards you, making you swallow and step back, ever so slightly.

"Yeah, of course." He answered, leaving the sofa to join you in the hall.

You stood in the hallway, waiting patiently whilst Tom closed the door behind him and looked at your nervous expression.

"What's up?" He question with the most innocent face he could possibly have, making all of the preparations you had lined up in your head, fly out the window.

"Um, I don't know how to say this so I'm just going to go ahead and spill it all out. No that's too much for you probably take take in at once, your brain could literally explode from information overload. What am I talking about it's just a simple thing your brain isn't going to explode." You rambled on, basically talking to yourself.

"Y/N, stop stalling, just tell me what's going on." He placed his hands on you shoulders for comfort, you looked down to the floor, there was no way you were going to skip telling him this time.

"Okay." Tears slightly stung your eyes, what if he really didn't like you? "Okay." Lets do this. You took a deep breath, steadying your body from shaking. "Okay."

"Y/N, it's okay, just let it out." Tom advised you. You nodded, clearing your throat once more and looked him dead in the eyes, kindly.

"I like girls." You told him, leaving Tom with a soft face and a small kind smile, eyes bright with kindness and almost... humour?

"What is it?" You asked. "I'm so sorry, there's something wrong with me I know, I don't know what to think any more." You told him as a single tear dropped on one side.

"Y/N." He chuckled. Is this a joke to him? My emotions were all over the place, I didn't know if I was sad or angry.

"What?" You questioned slightly harshly.

"It's nothing bad. It's just." He trailed off, looking you in the eyes. "I kinda guessed."

"Wha-what?" You asked a bit louder.

"Y/N I'm your brother, your favourite one as well." He added making you snort slightly. "I pay attention to you to make sure your okay and I want to help you. I've noticed that you like girls and that doesn't make me think any less of you, you're no different to anyone else."

You stared into his hazel eyes, reading them for any lies or hesitation. You didn't find any. Just the truth and love for his younger sister.

You smashed into him, giving him a bone crushing hug.

"I love you Tom." You muffled into his shirt.

"I love you too." He told you, wrapping his arms around your shoulders, your going around his upper waist.

"Now let's go and watch me save the world as Spider-Man." He stayed excitedly, grabbing your hand and rubbing back into the room as you joined the boys.

You laughed a lot that night and could never be more thankful for the family you have.

A/N ~ Another one done. Any requests? Love you all, thank you for nearly 7000 veiws!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Thanks for reading!

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