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After a few silence filled moments Zev finally spoke. With a sigh, he said, " I guess now, it's time for you to learn about me."

Immediately my interest was peaked forcing me to leave my comfortable position against his large chest. I was more than intrigued by the notion of learning about the overgrown feline but I masked my exuberance with a simple nod of encouragement. I wanted to know everything about him.

"Hmm, where to begin," he clucked his tongue playfully, "Well, I was born to a young shifter couple, my mother was a tiger as well as my father. I spent most of my adolescence with my mother, my father was always out patrolling our territory or hunting. Once I turned 18, my father became very territorial. He did not like having another male around his mate even if it was his cub. We almost fought once." he trailed off as if he was trying to remember clearly. "No, twice, and at that point, I knew it was time to leave. And I did. My mom was sort of sad, but this occurrence is normal for tiger's, so she expected it."

I couldn't help but frown slightly at this, It was so different from the traditions of wolves. For us, males only left the pack when searching for a mate or with the intention of starting their own. So the logic behind it was strange to me. Why not keep Zev around? Wouldn't it be easier to protect their territory that way?

Zev chuckled at my confused expression. "Don't get me wrong, my dad loved me, it's just different for tigers, we don't live in packs. When we are old enough to properly defend ourselves our parent's send us on our way. And so we wander until we find a territory of our own and a mate, whichever comes first."

"But why?"

"Tiger's are solitary creatures, love, though sometimes we do move in small groups of two or three but only when it's advantageous to all parties involved," he said as a way of explaining their - to me - convoluted logic.

"If you left at 18 how old are you now? " I inquired curiously.

"24, and you, my little Kaleb?" he rumbled burying his face in my neck and I blushed.

"19," I managed to squeak out as his warm, wet tongue slid up my throat ending with a tender kiss on my jaw.

"I think I'm addicted," he murmured to himself, lips still dangerously close to my heated skin. I unconsciously squirmed resulting in the globes of my ass to rub against his thick shaft. He growled lowly, the sound reverberating through me as his hands flew to my wayward hips. To impede or aid I did not know, but he answered for me when he stilled my movements with a vice-like grip.

"Easy, little one, it's not time for that just yet," Zev pulled back smirking, his voice had lowered into a husky timbre that shot straight to my needy cock.

"You're being a naughty puppy, aren't you, my little Kaleb." I gulped unable to do anything but nod as if I was in a trance and blush profusely.

Zev released a deep chuckle. I blushed even more because the sound was way too attractive to be real.

"Oh, you really are too cute." he laughed.

I smiled, his good mood was infectious. We spent the next hour simply asking about the little things. It was probably one of the most blissed-out hours I've had in my life. Despite the occasional heavy petting things didn't get heated as we simply enjoyed each other's company.

But then it all came crumbling down as I was abruptly brought back to reality. A howl sounded nearby and both of our heads snapped in its direction. I remembered I was a part of a pack and one of the Alpha's most highly enforced rules was the one pertaining to curfew. No one was to be outside of the borders past midnight. Looking at the position of the moon, it seemed like I was about to break that rule yet again. Zev took one look at my crestfallen expression and seemed to know exactly what the problem was.

"You have to leave," he murmured softly, not a question, a statement of fact. Part of me would stay with him through the night but the larger part was loyal to an Alpha who had given a command and far as it was concerned it must be followed. I'd already broken one rule why add another. My wolf was torn as well.

"Yea, it's just my Alpha-" Before I could finish his lips were on mine igniting a fire in me that burned everywhere. I mewled as our lips moved together deliciously.

"Thought I'd let you leave without a goodbye kiss, bad boy, Kaleb," he growled against my lips. I whimpered but his soft lips swallowed the sound.

His tongue swiped my bottom lip persistently, demanding entrance. I opened for him and a fight for dominance ensued. He pinned my tongue easily. He took the opportunity and left no nook unexplored caressing everything with his hot tongue. His taste was delicious and I couldn't help but crave more.

I groaned my dick becoming rock hard. All too soon we broke apart for air. I panted hoping to even out my breathing. Zev buried His face in my neck as he clutched me closer to his body. My body was thrumming like a plucked string. Shit. How was I supposed to leave him now?

Zev shifted us to make it easier to stand, once vertical I wrapped my legs around his waist. I regretted it though, my cock was now pressed against his hard abs.

"Tomorrow," he said it like it was a promise, to himself and me. I loosened my leg's grip on his waist allowing him to set me down. I stepped back in order to not latch myself to him all over again. Now that we were both standing I noticed he was really tall, at least 6'6. He dwarfed me easily. His eyes brightened even more as he looked over my naked body. I trembled under his heated gaze.

"So beautiful, I can't wait to claim you as mine," he whispered. Me either. He made no move to touch me and I was thankful for his restraint because I was only a skip away from offering myself to him like some kind of virgin sacrifice.

We stared at each other for a while letting a comfortable silence surround us. I didn't mention needing to leave and neither did he. It was obvious neither of us wanted to part.

Unfortunately, a howl sounded in the distance, and I knew it was the wolves who were patrolling the border.

"Tomorrow," I said hopefully. His lips pulled into a heart-stopping crooked smile.

"Tomorrow," he promised before leaning down to my height and pecking my lips. I groaned when he pulled away before things could get heated. Again I was grateful for his restraint.

"Goodnight, Kaleb. "

I touched my tingling lips. "Night."

I heard the howl coming closer and shifted. With one last look at the clearing and my mate, I bolted through the trees. I would get in trouble if I was caught out past curfew. I didn't want a repeat of what happened last time.

I was back at the compound in no time, now I just had to get to the attic. After shifting back I climbed up the side of the packhouse to my open window, I kept it like that for situations like this. I climbed into my room and closed the window behind me.

Flopping face-first onto my tiny twin bed I couldn't help giggling in happiness. I'd found my mate. Rolling onto my side I fell into a peaceful sleep, smiling.

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