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Zev was plundering my mouth, only allowing me slight pauses to catch my breath while sighs, whimpers and mewls poured from me. Zev growled deeply pulling me impossibly closer to his large frame. A shiver ran through me at the delicious sound. Zev pulled at the hair at the nape of my neck lightly and I groaned. His other hand kneaded my ass, squeezing it almost painfully before rubbing the abused cheek soothingly. I was lost in him again and I wasn't sure if I wanted to be found.

I was beginning to get dizzy from the lack of oxygen but I didn't want to separate my lips from his. Zev made the decision for me, releasing me from my trance as he pulled away. My face felt like it was the color of tomatoes. I whimpered, wanting his lips on mine again even though I was panting like crazy. Zev smirked but leaned down to reconnect our lips.

Before his mouth could land on mine again, there was a knock on the door. Zev growled, mumbling a curse as he glared at the door.

"Kaleb? Zev? Are you guys in there?" Darren asked through the door. I went to disentangle myself but Zev pulled me closer, effectively impeding all movement. "The Alpha wants to talk with you."

I used the Darren's words as a distraction as I wiggled out of my mate's powerful arms. Zev made a low growly sound but I ignored him and scampered to the door. When I opened it Darren had his fist raised as if he was preparing to knock again.

"We're coming." I said hoping my breathlessness wasn't noticeable. The corner of Darren's lip lifted as he took in my slightly disheveled state. Naturally, a blush rushed up my neck, pooling in my cheeks at his knowing gaze. I could feel Zev's presence as he neared. He greeted Darren with a nod of acknowledgement.

"Yeah..." he said, full on smirking "sorry for interrupting." I practically turned into tomato at the teasing look in his eyes. He made no attempt to conceal his amusement. With a laugh he turned and walked down the hall and I followed. I could feel the slight irritation rolling off of Zev and it took everything in me to not chuckle myself.

"What does the Alpha want?" Zev asked a few moments later, pulling me into his side. Darren sighed but answered, looking over his shoulder.

"He wants you to come to the pack doctor's place, she's found something."


The pack doctor lived in a little house on the eastern border of pack territory. The reason she lived so far away, was to keep as much distance between people who were sick and the rest of the pack. The pack doctor's house was small and contained two rooms that housed patients who needed to stay awhile, what would normally be used as a kitchen resemble more of an alchemy lab. I remember having to come here once as a pup. I was sick when I visited and was forced to drink some vile concoction. At the time, I'd really been irritated with my mother for taking me here in the first place.

Zev kept me closely pressed into his side as we made our way through the door following Darren. We were led into a room where the Alpha, Luna and pack doctor were huddle around a table with various notebooks and materials strewn across it. They stopped talking once they noticed our presence. The alpha and Luna looked away from the pack doctor who had her back to us. Alpha Drake nodded in greeting, his brown eyes stern as always and Luna gave us a welcoming smile, but it didn't quite reach her eyes.

The pack doctor was a rather short lady with honey skin and dark hair with tight curls. She looked over her shoulder, a wide smile spreading across her kind face.

"Come in, come in," she beckoned "We have much to discuss." Darren found a chair off to the side to sit in while Zev guided me over to the end of the table that wasn't occupied. Once everyone was settled, the pack doctor's face seemed to sober.

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