| THE TIGER'S OMEGA | 11 | 18+ |

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My eyes were glued to the hypnotizing sway of my mates hips as he ascended the stairs. The firm globes of his ass were practically begging me to grip and fondle them to my heart's content. I could smell his arousal and it only served to stoke my own. I could only hope his room was close, I don't think my mate would appreciate me attacking him against the nearest flat surface.

At the top of the stairs he turned right into a long hallway, he led us all the way to the end of it, opening the door there. His room was simple, a bed with a trunk at the foot of it and a large window with a sill large enough to sit on that faced the stretch of woods at the back of the house. The window was cracked, letting in a slight draft. I closed the door behind us as Kaleb stood in the middle of the room timidly looking at me from under his lashes while biting his plump lower lip.

The sight of the pink flesh being pierced by his teeth was enough to increase my hunger for him. I closed the distance between us til the only thing that separated us was clothing. I grabbed the back of his neck roughly forcing him to meet my eyes directly. He whimpered, but I knew he liked the roughness.

"I don't know how long I'll be able to control myself if you keep biting that lip," my voice had lowered into a husky cadence. Panting slightly he obediently released the abused lip. I quickly replaced his with my teeth, tugging gently. I loved the cute whimper I was graced with in return, it caused a smirk to pull at my lips. "That's my good little Kaleb," I rumbled after I released his lip. I loved how responsive he was to me, it made me want to cause more delicious sounds to flow out of his cute little mouth.

"Now that I have you all to myself..." I trailed off using a finger to trace his delicate jaw. Kaleb gulped causing my eyes to land on the slender column of his throat. There was a pink scar that looked suspiciously like a bite mark where his neck and shoulder met. The mark Kaleb placed on me was probably in similar condition. "I can finally satisfy my cravings." Kaleb blushed cherry red, his expressive greys darkening with arousal as his teeth returned to his lower lip.

"What have I told you about that lip?" I growled warningly. He immediately removed his teeth blinking up at me wide eyed, feigning innocence. Tease. Stepping away from his tiny frame, I began circling him, the predator in me rising to just under the surface. " You're just begging for a punishment." He stood stock still, his beautiful grey eyes following my every movement, lips parted as soft, anticipatory pants flowed between them.

I let him hear my thoughts so he'd know what was coming next. I was going to devour him. He visibly shivered, his tongue flicking out to moisture his lips.

"On the bed, knees up, legs apart," I barked out, no longer able to hold back my tiger. The beast in me was ready to ravage and claim and my little mate just so happened to be the object of his desire. Kaleb turned around hesitation clear on his face, but I saw the anticipation shimmering in the back of his mind.

"Now.'' I growled, impatiently.

Without needing further incentive, Kaleb rushed to his bed, crawling to the middle of it and following my instructions. Once he was settled I made my way to the foot of the bed, staring down at his body that was spread out like a feast just for me. The only problem was the clothing that was covering the thing I really wanted. With a snarl I ripped the offending cloth of of him discarding them to somewhere in the room. Kaleb whimpered at the show of aggression, baring his neck submissively. I grinned, my canines enlonging as the desire to bite my mate once again, resurfaced.

"Z-zev?" He called timidly. I groaned at the sound of my name rolling out of his mouth. I could only chuff in response, it seemed my tiger was now in more control than I was, although I hadn't even felt the gradual slip of him taking the reins.

My tiger could wait no more and before I knew it I was hovering over my mate, nose to nose. He breathe came out as pants. I could hear the excited beating of his heart pounding away in his chest. My hips had settled between his parted thighs and now began moving against his already stiff length. I was graced with a spine tingling mewl in response. The needy sound urged me to grind against him harder earning a gasp that flew through his parted pink lips.

"Tell me, Kaleb," my tiger called to our little mate, "are you all mine, mine alone?" He asked before swooping down to lick and lather the mark we'd placed on the slender column of his throat. Kaleb arched his back seeking more contact, his hands moving to grip my shoulders.

"Yours," he gasped "all your's."

My hands rubbed his thighs just under his ass before moving to his tiny waist. Ripping myself away from him, I quickly took off the sweats pants given to me. My hard member sprung free slapping my abdomen. The pulsing organ was already leaking a steady amount of precum, my balls were heavy with seed ready to be pumped into my Kaleb's waiting hole. My puppy's gaze was fixed on my cock as his hands trailed down to his own.

"Touch yourself for me, puppy," I commanded huskily. His face lit cherry red.

"B-but, it's embarrassing," he protested cutely.

"That wasn't a request." I bit out restraining myself from just fucking the shit out of him like my tiger wanted to. Licking his lips nervously, he hand trailed the rest of the way, finally gripping his weeping, pink cock. My mouth watered wanting to taste, but I refrained, the desire to watch outweighing my sudden hunger.

He gave a slow, hesitant pull from the base of his staff to the glazed tip before setting up a steady rythym. A strangled moan bubbled up his throat causing my cock to twitch. The scent of our mutual arousal wafted through he air, causing my brain to become foggy. The little minx paused his movements, teasing me.

I growled, "I didn't say you could stop." Kaleb whimpered, a pleading look entering his eyes.

"Please, Zev, I need more..." He trailed off" I-I need you, please." He pulled up his knees higher revealing his pink star. "Please, Zev." he whimpered.

If it was even possible I got harder. The sight of my little mate so needy and wanton was a delicious one indeed. His grey eyes were glazed with lust, I could feel his deisre through our bond, mingling with my own. I kneeled so that I was face level with his little hole, reaching out and gripping his waist, pulling until his ass closer to my waiting mouth. Kaleb released a startled squeal.

Spreading his ass cheeks I got a perfect view of his hole. I couldn't help the appreciative growl that bubbled up my throat. Kaleb's labored breathing filled my ears as my mouth neared his pink star. Once there I began lick the tight ring of muscle, rimming him. Kaleb released a shaky moan.

"O-oh, Zev, s-so good," I moaned against his ass, causing a shiver to run down his spine. Removing myself from my treat, I received a groan of disagreement.

"Don't worry, puppy, I'm not done with you just yet."

He sat up on his elbows to look down at me, lust and desire blazing in his eyes.

"Prepare yourself."


Hey loves!

I know it's been a while but I should be updating more regularly towards the month of January. Due to obvious reasons December and the rest of November will very busy for me. I sincerely apologize for the wait!

As for ship names the one with the most votes so far is Zaleb. I'll be announcing the winner within the next two chapters so make sure to tell me which one you like!😘

Zev felt rather dominant in this chapter, or is it just me? Thoughts?

I saved the best for last! I dedicate this chapter to Magenkop for the awesome new cover. I absolutely love it! Amazing work!!! 😙😙😙



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