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Darren and Josh made no move to advance as they warily looked at Zev's large form. Josh's grey wolf shifted his weight from foot to foot in obvious irritation. You could tell he was on edge with the way his tail swished aggressively behind him. Darren, the alpha's son, on the other hand, looked utterly confused and a little apprehensive. With the way, Zev was sending them death glares and I honestly didn't blame him.

It was weird because you'd think that by now one of them would have tried contacting me through the pack link... Then it dawned on me. My link to my pack must have broken once Zev and I marked each other.

Darren must have realized something was amiss with the bond as well. His big wolfy head tilted in confusion. My mouth was suddenly dry as all the possibilities came rushing through my mind. None of the outcomes were good and they all placed me in the middle of Zev and my pack.

Zev placed a warm, caramel hand on my back to soothe me. I bet he could practically feel the apprehension rolling off of me in waves.

"Calm yourself little one, I am here." It was amazing how almost immediately his words took effect and I couldn't help but to snuggle closer to him, feeling reassured. Soundlessly, Zev reached to the side and picked up my soiled shirt. I hazily remember him using it to clean us up after... I immediately stopped the thought not wanting to turn into a crimson beacon in front of Darren and Josh. It didn't seem to matter to Zev that the article of clothing definitely wasn't clean as he put it on me.

No one else gets to see what's mine. It was more of an errant thought than anything else but I still heard it and it still sent delightful shivers down my spine.

Darren stepped forward slowly trying not to seem threatening. He appeared to understand that Zev was indeed a tiger shifter and completely capable of overpowering both him and Josh with ease. The angry beta gave his alpha an incredulous look but stepped forward with him anyway.

Zev looked completely relaxed on the outside but I knew that if Darren and Josh weren't part of my pack, they'd be dead by now. Darren's chocolate wolf stopped a few paces later and shifted into his equally chocolate human form. Darren had short black hair and full lips his eyes were an interesting shade of brown and black and he was about a half a foot shorter than Zev. Josh shifted right after, revealing his lean sun tanned form. Dark hair flopped onto his forehead framing bright blue eyes, his lips pulled back in an irritated snarl.

"What are you doing here, Kaleb?" asked Darren with all the authority of his station filling his voice. "Are you not aware of the ban my father placed on leaving the borders of our territory?" Even though he said it kindly, knowing my sensitivity, I still quaked a bit lowering my eyes in submission. My wolf rolled onto his side but was not willing to show his belly to anyone other than his mate. I could feel that Zev was pleased by this, nevertheless, he still released a warning growl at the soon to be alpha. Darren's eyes widened as something seemed to click. His gaze landed on my neck and so did Josh's and his hands clenched.

"I see," Darren said warily look away from my mark to Zev. "You have found your mate." I nodded meekly.

"Why haven't you told us yet?" I looked away ashamed.

"I'd just found my mate, is it so bad that I wanted to get to know him on my own for a while?" I muttered knowing full well that he heard me. Josh scoffed seeming determined to demean me no matter what. With Zev here, he didn't intimidate me like usual.

I could tell that Josh's presence, in particular, was beginning to agitate Zev.

Darren sighed. "You know it's not that simple Kaleb. You defied a direct order from your Alpha. You know what can happen if the Alpha doesn't pardon yo-"

"No one is going to lay a hand on him," Zev stated as calmy as one would point out something obvious like 'The sky is blue.' "Kaleb is mine." with that he went back to quietly observing as if neither one of them were truly worth his time, but rather he was allowing them to be there because he didn't want to upset me.

Josh scowled. "He belongs to the pack, tiger, mate or not." I blinked taken aback. Zev, on the other hand, seemed amused.

"Not anymore, pup." My mate said completely unfazed. Josh's azure eyes lit up in fury at the large tiger's nonchalant dismissal.

Josh growled but was once again ignored by the large male tiger who was still comfortably lounging with me in his lap. Darren could see his beta losing control and sent him a warning look.

"Kaleb, you need to return, this has to do with more than just you disobeying orders." Darren's voice turned grim. "You missed the meeting today, so you don't know that there have been rogue sightings. It is not safe out here and when you hadn't shown up to the meeting, everyone was worried sick about you."

Guilt gnawed at me, maybe I had been too selfish, I certainly had not wanted to cause any unnecessary worry.

"I'm sorry, I truly didn't mean to worry anyone. I just wanted to-"

"Yes, spend time with your mate. We get it." Josh growled cutting me off. He seemed on edge and everytime someone mentioned mates he'd shift his weight uneasily. I have to admit it stung a little and I was struggling not to bare my neck in submission. Never before have I hated being a runt and an Omega so much in my life. I could hardly carry on a conversation with three dominant males despite one being my mate. It was infuriating. I felt weak. Useless. My eyes lowered to the ground as my feelings of inferiority took hold. Without a word Zev placed a big hand on the back of my neck, squeezing gently in comfort.

"I can kill him if you'd like a little one," Zev said tenderly, not caring that both Josh and Darren could hear him perfectly well. I knew the only reason he was asking was that Josh was a member of my pack. He was being courteous and that made my heart swell.

He has one more time to make you uncomfortable and I'm ripping his head off. The pack is damned. Do you understand me, puppy? I could hear the malice in his voice, but also the possessiveness as well. That along with the growl his voice had taken on let me know his tiger was speaking.

My wolf was practically panting at receiving attention from our mate's other half. He rolled over showing his belly, tail wagging like crazy.
Yes, I understand, but please don't hurt them. I don't want to cause any problems with my pack. I added on meekly, I don't want you to get hurt.

Before he could respond Josh managed to open his mouth yet again. I could tell even Darren was becoming exasperated by his behavior. "It's funny seeing a tiger ask a useless runt for permission."

"It'll be even funnier once I've ripped out your spine," Zev growled. "Stay in your place, pup."

Josh had enough and before Darren could stop him he'd shifted into his large grey wolf barring his teeth and snapping in Zev's direction.

Filling his voice with all the authority he could he glared at his beta.

"Stop. " Josh flinched but didn't stand down. I was so confused. I couldn't figure out why he was so intent on getting under Zev's skin. It was like he was trying to prove something. But it was too late. Before I knew it Zev had shifted into his massive tiger. Darren's eyes widened a fraction, it was obvious it was his first time seeing a tiger shifter's second form.

Zev towered over all of us as dominance flowed from him in waves. It was so intense my knees wobbled and I crumpled, laying on my back, belly up in submission. I couldn't help it, he'd never unleashed such overbearing dominance since I'd met him. My wolf nor I could handle it and the other two wolves in the clearing seemed to be having trouble as well. Josh had his chin jutted out defiantly clearly straining while it didn't affect Darren as much as he had alpha blood but he didn't look very eager to allow Josh to egg Zev on further.

But it all went to hell as Josh charged.


Dun dun duunnn...


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