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I awoke to light streaming in through my tiny attic window. I hated mornings mostly because it took me forever to wake up. But today I was supposed to meet Zev and as soon as that thought crossed my mind my eyes snapped open and I was out of my bed digging through the trunk at the end of my bed that held all my clothes. I picked up the first things my hands touched, an oversized white shirt and some pants. I quickly got dressed and went downstairs to fix a light breakfast.

I didn't run into any of my pack mates as I made my way downstairs and I was grateful. If I got to the kitchen early enough I might be able to get something to eat before the others woke up and came looking for food.

I didn't have enough time before the rest of the pack awoke to make anything big and I didn't want them to smell it anyways so I ended up with a granola bar and a juicy apple. Before I could get out of the kitchen though, I ran right into Josh, the next beta. Well more like a wall, he was huge. Everyone's big I'm just small. I thought dejectedly.

Stumbling back I clutched my food items to my chest, surprised I hadn't landed on my ass. He looked me over and my eyes immediately shifted to the ground in submission as fear trickled through me.

I blushed, feeling his glare bearing down on me as he growled low in his chest. I was frozen in place, the urge show him my neck almost unbearable.

"Watch it, runt," he growled out before taking my apple and pushing past me roughly, even though there was enough space to walk around. I just whimpered and kept my eyes trained on the floor until he passed. Sighing I pushed myself up and left the kitchen with my granola bar eyes still trained on the floor.

For some reason, he liked to bully me, ever since we were little he has been harsh and always purposely trying to dominate me. It's something I've gotten used to, not like I could change it. I'm too small to do anything.

Well, I had to say I was getting better, usually, I'd literally crumple to the ground and show my belly due to my oversensitivity. I absently ate my granola bar while making my way through the pack house.

On my way through the living room, I checked the time on the wall clock as I made my way out the door. 11 o'clock on the dot. An hour to go. That gives me enough time to walk there since I didn't want to shred my clothes or carry them in my mouth. I could hardly suppress my excited squeal as I bounded out of the house and into the woods nearby.

When I got to the clearing I didn't see him, a little disappointed, I just chalked it up to me getting here before him. I sat down on the cool grass and soaked in the warm rays of the sun and waited.

A moment later there was a rustle in the nearby foliage and my heart fluttered in my chest only to start pounding when my mate stepped through the line of trees. He was in his second form and the sight of him was breathtaking. The mid-day sun gave his orange fur a golden glaze as he stalked almost silently toward me. It was amazing to watch something of his size glide as gracefully as he did completely silent. I was in awe, this powerful specimen was mine and I was his. Just thinking about it was enough to make me swoon.

Once he was a few feet closer his immense form began to shrink as he shifted and the large predator was replaced by a very naked Zev. He was bigger than I first thought at a whopping 6'6 packed with nothing but delicious caramel skin covered muscle, he was sex on legs.

His green- hazel eyes pinned me in place just like last night, just as hot and spine-tingling. Yet again was I assaulted by Zev's wonderfully unique scent when the wind blew past as he walked towards me.

"Hello, pup," he greeted when he stopped in front of me. Without even thinking about it I was up and flinging myself into his big body completely ignoring his lack of clothing.

I nuzzled his chest and squeaked out an excited 'Hi'. His arms wrapped around my much smaller body like boa constrictors as tingles danced at the contact. Oh my goddess, he feels amazing. His deep rumbling laugh filled my ears causing a goofy grin to nearly split my face in half.

Taking my chin in his big warm hand he pulled my face up and I pecked his lips, a tingle lighting my spine. He groaned sexily tightening his grip on my chin.

His tongue darted into my unsuspecting mouth. The wet muscle flicked around my cavern tasting everything I had to offer. His fingers tangled in my hair pulling my head back roughly. I groaned my hands gripping his shoulders as he sucked on my tongue, my dick was up and at attention in no time. All I could do was hold on for dear life as he literally ravaged my mouth.

My legs were the consistency of puddy and if it weren't for his firm grip I wouldn't be standing. The things I want, no, need him to do to me. I shuddered, I don't even want to think about how I'd act once I went into heat.

My lungs burned but I didn't want to break the searing kiss. Zev made the decision for me and broke away. A whimper of protest crawled up my throat before I could stop it, though my lungs were sucking in air like they were long lost lovers. His lips were pulled into a self-satisfied smirk. I blushed and hid in his chest.

Suddenly he sat down and I went with him. He settled me on his lap his big hands on my hips. Electric shocks zapped all over the place as I snuggled closer into his warmth.

"I missed you little one," Zev rumbled pulling me deeper into the warm expanse of his chest. I giggled, deliriously happy.

"It's only been a couple hours," I said my face still pressed against his chest. Zev growled softly pulling me up so my chest glided against his and my knees were on either side of his legs and it looked like I was standing on them while he buried his face in my neck. I blushed as the grumbling continued to emanate from the discontented tiger.

Carding my fingers through his dark chocolate locks, I simply let him hold me as he breathed in my scent. I understood completely, I missed him too. Hell, I had even dreamed about him last night. Let's just say I was surprised that I didn't have a mess to clean upon waking. My cheeks heated just thinking about it.

We spent the next few minutes like that before returning to our original positions.

"How was your night?" Zev asked as he used one big finger to twirl a black curl affectionately. I blushed, recalling the thought that had run through my head not too long ago.

"It was fine," I answered simply. Would've been better if you had impaled us on your long, thick cock... but who's complaining? My wolf added sardonically. I wasn't ignoring him anymore but I still told the little hussy to shut up which he did with an indignant huff. "How about yours?" I asked contently, genuinely wanting to know.

"Fine, I guess, but I almost crossed into pack territory to kidnap you several times. I think I've developed an addiction for you, little one." I smiled and leaned back to see his face properly.

"I'm addicted to you too, I dreamt about you all last night," Well my wolf said the last part but it didn't look like it mattered to Zev. His eyes had darkened considerably as he quirked an eyebrow curiously.

"Oh really, and what did you dream about?" I avoided his gaze as my face turned an entirely new shade of red. That seemed to answer the question for Zev as a knowing glint entered his eyes and he smirked. "Tell me, was I rough or gentle?" he inquired playfully.

I blushed and gulped before opening my mouth to answer...




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