| THE TIGER'S OMEGA | 12 | 18+ |

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My little love let out a helpless whimper as a shiver shook his tiny body. My lust filled haze only increased in intensity at the sound. My tiger released a domineering growl in response causing our puppy to fall back from his position resting on his elbows. Submissively, Kaleb lifted his chin revealing his vulnerable pale neck. His chest was heaving, rising and falling heavily.

My feline was pleased and if anything Kaleb's submission amped him up even more. I felt like I was on the outside looking into to my own body, a quiet observer. Which is how it usually felt when my tiger decided to take control. I felt every sensation but had no say in how to react to them. My primary concern now was wether or not the unpredictable feline was going to well and truly devour our little mate here and now, despite my wish to wait until we had him all to ourselves, on our own plot of territory.

My tiger growled. I'll control myself this once...but I make no promises when we have him all to ourselves.

I felt a little bit relieved at the fact that he was willing to show at least a bit of decorum. My tiger growled again before turning attention back to our needy mate.

Our fangs had dropped so low that they almost pierced the skin of our lower lip. Lowering our face to the offered column of Kaleb's neck we licked a trail from his collar bone to the underside of his jaw, doubling back to kiss and lather his sensitive mark. On efforts were rewarded with a needy gasp as our mate writhed underneath us.

Satisfied my tiger returned to his position at the bottom of the bed, placing our face between Kaleb's spread thighs where he carefully resumed licking Kaleb's puckered star.

Oh, Zev, please. I need more, please, more. His cute begging only urged my tiger to continue licking and sucking. Our little Kaleb released a moan of distress followed by one of pleasure. My tiger looked up from his task to see that Kaleb had once again wrapped his tiny fist around his straining flesh. My tiger growled warningly causing Kaleb to stop stroking.

"Hands above your head," he rumbled tempermentally and Kaleb complied immediately "Keep them there,"

"Z-Zev, I-I," He whimpered hotly as his hips twisted helplessly. A heated snarl escaped our lips as a slick like substance began to come from our little one's ass. I would could practically feel his embarrassment in the back of my mind. My mate turned an inhuman shade of red, but made no move to cover his face, although I could feel his desire to do so, obediently keeping his arms in place. For some reason the appearance of my mate's slick caused my arousal to sky rocket. The urge to taste to clear substance overruled all else and without thinking my tiger leaned us forward and proceeded to give our mate's slicked ass a lascivious lick. A groan reverberated through my chest at the unexpected delicious flavor.

"Mhmm, little one, are you wet for me?" Kaleb mewled, nodding deliriously as his pants increased. We turned our focus back to our mate's leaking ass, tracing the wet, spasming hole with our finger. "Have you ever placed anything here, little one?" I husked, even though we already knew the answer. He shook his his head in the negative. My tiger growled pleased. "Well then, we'll just have to remedy that now won't we?"

Without wating for a response the overbearing bastard was already pushing a finger into our mate's eager hole, his slick making the intrusion easier. Kaleb gave a choked moan as his body completely stilled, his hot channel clamping down on the penetrating finger.

"Relax," I hissed through a clamped jaw. Kaleb whined, but complied, allowing the appendage further into him. Once the knuckle reached his outer ring of muscle we stopped all movement, so that he could adjust.

Without removing our finger my tiger moved us to where we were hovering to the side of Kaleb, so that we could see the expressions flitted across his face. He looked absolutely delectable with his black curls laying atop his white sheets, brow furrowed. His mouth was parted, allowing in sharp intakes of breath. His channel had loosened considerably and my tiger took that as the go ahead to move. Gently retracting our finger we pushed it back in repeating the motion at a slow even tempo. Kaleb's breathing hitched as he began to wiggle his hips in encouragement.

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