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I screamed as hot tears began pouring from my eyes. Pain flared up my leg and I clenched my eyes shut, gasps and labored pants flowing through my lips.

Zev growled fiercely, letting go of Josh's neck as he turned his face toward me. Recognition seemed to seep into his eyes, as well as concern. Not even a second later he is at my side staring down at my injury. I could tell that he was more tiger than man and i couldnt help but wonder how long he'd allowed his tiger to have control. He pulled his lips back into a snarl as he looked at me with an accusatory gaze. He growled baring his large fangs in my face, all but snapping his jaws at me, as if to say, why the fuck would you do that? I just smiled at him weakly, the damage was done and the wound was already beginning to heal itself.

"Apologize." I said pointedly. Zev gave me a flat look but huffed in defeat when I raised my eyebrow at him. He looked at Josh, and now that he was a little more himself, he looked a little apologetic.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't exactly in control." Josh just nodded, softly.

"Can't say I didn't deserve it."

"I can." I growled out a little annoyed before returning my attention to my mate.

Zev's emerald eyes stared at the chain and bar that bound me in anger. Taking my wrists in his large hands, he managed to pry them both open with ease. My wrist were red and marked where the cuff had dug too deep. The sight of them caused Zev to growl before pulling them up to his face and kissing them gently. The familiar sparks that flared at the contact were a comfort, they let me know that my mate really was here and not another cruel dream.

"Zev," I breathed as relief flooded through me for the first time in what felt like ages. My mate released a deep chuff in response, a large hand reaching to gently grip my chin. Delicately, he pulled my face up, placing his lips over mine. Through the kiss we poured out all our worry and anxiety from the past few days as well as the raw happiness from being in each other's arms again. Pulling away, he looked me over properly only stopping once he was satisfied with his examination. I'd completely forgotten about Josh who looked at us with a little bit of sadness in his eyes. My heart clenched.

Before I could offer any words of comfort, Darren burst through the entryway his dark eyes scanning the room until they came to rest upon Josh. His relief was visible as some of the tenseness in his shoulders relaxed.

Darren closed the distance between them before he kneeled in front of his beta as concern filled his gaze. Their eyes locked and I could tell that they were speaking through their link. With a shaking hand Darren reached out to gently caress Josh's bruised cheek, anger filling his eyes. Josh gave a small smile, but it was hard to tell with all the swelling and blood on his face.

"Hey, bro." He groaned weakly. "Long time no see," he chuckled but gasped from the pain it caused.
Darren growled lightly, brushing his dark hair out of his face.

"You... I thought-" he swallowed thickly. "I thought you'd betrayed us...me" he whispered softly. Josh's eyes filled with emotion.

"I would never betray you, you're my alpha. Besides, I couldn't even if I wanted to, you're... I-"

"You're my mate." Darren said in realization. He growled again, "how long did you know?" Josh looked away.

"Three weeks... well four, technically."

Darren's face fell. "Why didn't you tell me? How did you hide it from me?" You could hear the hurt in his voice. "Were you... rejecting me."

" No! Yes-I didn't think-"

"That's obvious," Darren growled out "Now, explain why you went through the trouble of hiding the fact that we are mates." Josh's eyes flicked to his and you could see the vulnerability in them as well as the pain.

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