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I awoke to the Sun's light streaming into the clearing on golden rays. As beautiful as the scenery was I couldn't appreciate the golden glow being cast over everything. There was a giant knot of anxiety twisting away in the pit of my stomach. Today my pack would meet my mate and as far as they knew he was an unknown shifter. A threat. This wasn't what plagued me the most, I was more concerned with whether or not they'd accept me mating a tiger.

Thoughts of all the ways this meeting could go horribly wrong began filling my mind. I let out a sigh turning on my side on the cool grass. The small action was enough to garner Zev's attention. He was pacing along the tree line when his huge head snapped to my direction. With no hesitation he was bounding across the clearing, his emerald eyes trained on my tiny form.

I rolled into a sitting position just as he'd neared me. I could feel the bubbling concern in his mind as he used his nose to peruse my body searching for a sign or cause of my distress.

"What's wrong, little one?" he asked gently. I sighed but answered nonetheless.

"Nothing, I'm fine," Zev growled lowly, the deep timbre ricocheting through me. He touched his nose with mine before pulling back his large head to stare at me in the eyes.

"You're lying," he claimed before shifting into his human form.

The impressive male stared down at me expectantly with an eyebrow raised. I knew one way or another he'd get what he wanted and it was best not to resist too much. He sat gracefully in front of me daring me with his eyes to look away from him.

"Tell me, now." He commanded, holding no room for argument. I blushed deeply at the sexy growl that had entered his voice, visibly shivering.

"I'm just nervous. " I reluctantly admitted. Once the words left my mouth it was like I couldn't keep the tidal wave of insecurities from following quickly behind them.

"What if my pack is angry with me? What if they don't accept us being together-" Zev growled fiercely, gripping my chin he pulled his face up while bringing him closer.

"No one is going to lay a hand on you. I could give a damn if they accepted us. You are mine and I am yours and to me, that is all that matters. Pack be damned." He practically snarled before smashing our lips together.

Leaving no room for defiance Zev immediately dominated the kiss, swallowing all of the heated moans that traveled up my throat, drowning them out with the possessive growls that emanated from his broad chest. I was swept up in Zev and all though it had been abrupt I couldn't help but respond in earnest. As his tongue practically plundered my mouth I tried to get closer to his much larger body wanting to be practically encased in his warmth and sent.

Our mouths moved together sloppily since I could hardly keep up with his purposeful pace. One large hand had curled itself into the hair at the nape of my neck, pulling roughly causing our lips to break apart. I whimpered needily from the loss of contact. Zev growled darting down to kiss and lather my mark with his tongue. I cried out as a jolt of pleasurable electricity sparked through all of my nerve endings.

Zev pulled away before things could heat up even more, breathing through his mouth softly while I was sucking in air by the gallons. My wolf had rolled over in complete submission and all my anxiety seemed to have been erased and replaced by all things Zev.

"Good puppy," he whispered against my lips leaving a quick peck. I whined wanting our lips to touch again but he was having none of it. "Come, little one, it's time we got going," Zev said firmly, standing and pulling me up with him.

He stepped back and shifted once more into his ridiculously large tiger form. I followed soon after. Zev ran his nose along my back affectionately before giving a soft nudge to my flank. I took a few reluctant steps forward but Zev was having none of it and released a warning growl, I immediately quickened my steps to a full out run with Zev close behind me.

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