| THE TIGER'S OMEGA | 5 | 18+ |

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"Both." my wolf forced the word through my lips before I could stop him, knowing I wouldn't have said it on my own. Zev looked almost surprised by my abrupt answer but it didn't take long for him to go back to teasing me.

"Both?" he repeated as he raised an eyebrow, "Interesting, so did I kiss you like this," he asked using one giant paw to gently cradle my cheek and pull my lips to his awaiting one's. Once there he began a slow sensual dance that featured laving tongues and sucking on my lower lip. His other hand was gently rubbing my side under my large white shirt. I moaned softly as goosebumps arose on my skin. He was kissing me thoroughly, sensually and completely. I was lost in the slow, savory movements of our lips against each other. I fist my hands against his bare pecks and he removed his lips from mine to which I responded with a whimper of disagreement.

"Or like this?" was the only warning I got before his mouth was against mine hard and rough and unmerciful. It would have hurt if it didn't feel so freaking good. This kiss, if you could even call it that, it was more like a ravaging, was entirely different from its predecessor. Teeth clashed, lips were harshly nipped and tugged as our tongues battled sloppily, drool slipped at the corner of my mouth but I was too aroused to care.

Zev pulled away breathing heaving heavily as he smirked devilishly showcasing his impressive canines. I trembled in his firm hold, never before have I felt something this strong. I was like liquid electricity flowing through my veins, from the tips of my toes to the top of my head and with it came this warm feeling in the pit of my stomach. I was electrified yet perfectly comfortable at the same time.

The cool breeze of the late evening was a welcome luxury for my heated skin as it flowed through my tousled black curls. Still, it did nothing but stoke the flames of desire building between me and Zev. Somehow all of my clothes were taken off and I now sat naked on his lap fighting with myself in order to not hump him until we were both a raw sticky mess covered in each other's warm cum.

Part of me was nervous. I had never been in any type of sexual encounter before, I was clueless as to what to do. Would I be able to please him? What if I messed up? What if- I cut off the thought before it could add to the others plaguing my mind and instead tried to think of things I did know.

I know he seemed to like it when we kissed, like being an understatement. I know that he wants me as made evident by the rising shaft below me. I knew where the large equipment was supposed to go. It was with this thought that my nerves broke again.

What if it doesn't fit?!

Zev's brows knit together in concern as he noted my sudden anxiety. "What's wrong, little one," he asked gently. I wouldn't be surprised if he could smell the apprehension coming off me in waves. I remained silent, unsure of how to convey my thoughts without him stopping completely because goddess knows I do not want him to stop especially when he hasn't even truly begun.

A light growl of frustration bubbled up his throat causing my wolf to roll over, baring his belly in submission while my head lolled to the side exposing my vulnerable neck.

"Tell me," he commanded, the growl still evident in his voice. A tremor of heat rolled through me at how undeniably hot he sounded. With the intent glare he was casting down at me there was no option but to obey.

"I'm nervous," the words came out almost as if they had a mind of their own "I just want to please you," at my words, his face immediately relaxed as a teasing grin pulled at his full pink lips, making me dizzy.

"You're too adorable for words, Kaleb," Zev muttered loud enough for me to hear. My cheeks darkened as I pouted. I don't want to be adorable right now. I wanna be sexy, desirable. Zev chuckled darkly at the sight of my pout swooping down and pulling my plump lower lip between his teeth and rolling lean hips so our privates rubbed together, his hands still gripping my slender waist.

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