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| 18   Y E A R S  L A T E R . . .

K A L E B walked through the house with his youngest child Kaiden on his hip. The tiger cub was amusing himself with the toy in his hand while his father looked his mate and two other sons. Kai was only a year old and had come as a complete surprise to both Zev and Kaleb. After they had their daughter Zara they had not planned on having any more, but it seemed the Goddes had other ideas. Eight years later Kaiden made his entrance into the world. 

Kai had been Kaleb's toughest pregnancy so Atalia, who been named the new pack doctor, suggested he undergo a surgery to prevent any more unexpected pregnancies. His appearance may have come as a shock but the little tiger cub had them all wrapped around his tiny fingers in no time. He was a lot smaller than his older brothers had been at his age, especially for a tiger. It was obvious that he was a runt and that just made them all even more protective of the little cherub.

Kai had a head full of shockingly white hair and a pair of warm hazel eyes just like Zev's. They weren't quite sure why his hair was ivory in color that made his already pale skin seem paler but they figured it had something to do with the coloring of his tiger.

Readjusting his son, Kaleb slipped into the living looking around for any signs of the three large males that he was hunting down. He didn't spot their hulking figures but his eyes instead found his little girl Zara laying on the couch drawing in her sketchbook. Her head of brown curls lifted to see her Dad walking into the room. She gave him a beaming smile as her grey eyes twinkled happily. Kaleb smiled back and moved over to her. She looked just like Zev in Kaleb's opinion but his mate disagreed, insisting she took more after the man who birthed her. 

"What are you drawing?" Kaleb asked the nine-year-old. With a proud beaming smile, she held up the sketchbook showing off the doodles she penciled onto the paper. "Very nice, Zara." Kaleb complimented leaning down to peck her forehead.

"Thank you," she said giggling, a pleased blush filling her cheeks. Kaleb brushed his fingers through her riotous curls that she refused to brush. As the only girl in the house, she was a little tomboy who tried her best to keep up with her eighteen-year-old older brothers. At first, he had no clue how to raise a little girl and wished that he had his mother and Luna Eden around to help. Despite his uncertainties, he and Zev were doing a good job and the pack mothers had proved themselves invaluable with all the advice they'd given them. 

"Have you seen your father and brothers?" Kaleb asked to which he received a shake of her head in the negative as an answer. Her curls flopped into her eyes and Kaleb pushed them from her face with a smile. "Want to help me look for them?"

"Are they in trouble again?" she asked as she packed up all her art supplies and set them on the table. Nox and Nolan were notorious for getting themselves in and out of trouble with Nolan being the one who got them into sticky situations and ever level-headed Nox talking them out of whatever mess they'd gotten into. Kaleb couldn't help but laugh at her automatic assumption.

"No, but we're going to be late for Xander's birthday party if we don't leave soon." The little girl's eyes lit up at the mention that they were going to the pack house today. She loved going there which was only natural since she herself was a wolf, of course she would feel right at home amongst others of her kind. A beaming grin spread across her face revealing her two dimples. Kaleb pitied the boys who would be vying for his daughter's attention. One look at her father and older brothers and they would shit themselves. That's if they didn't tear the unfortunate soul apart first. Nox and Nolan got their over protectiveness from their father along with their absurdly large size.

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