| THE TIGER'S OMEGA | 8 | 18+ |

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I feel as though I blinked and it was over before it had even started. Darren had shifted into his wolf, unleashing all of his authority. Letting out a fierce growl, I could almost hear him ordering Josh to stand down. Josh stopped mid-stride only a few feet away from Zev who'd taken a defensive stance in front of me. In an attempt to help Darren regain control over the situation, I shakily stood despite everything in me screaming to submit. His shoulder was well above my head so I ended up leaning heavily on his side as I made my way to his face that was still contorted in a fearsome snarl. His tail flicked in agitation and I could feel how bunched his muscles were under my fingers, ready to strike.

Zev, I called through our link. I got no reply as he was still staring intently at Josh who was doing the same. Please, don't hurt him, it's not worth it, please, Zev.

Zev growled ferociously in response. My wolf whimpered as another wave of intoxicating dominance rolled off Zev causing my knees to shake.

"Zev, please..." Zev's ear swiveled and I felt some of his domineering aura retract just a bit. Slowly he laid down so that his head was just above my shoulder. I immediately fell against him, burying my face in his large furry neck. He was still tense and ready to strike, I knew that wouldn't change until Josh was gone or dead. Josh had moved behind his alpha who had shifted yet again. I peeked at Darren and was met with what looked like exasperated resignation.

"Kaleb, this isn't a request, you have to come back." Zev released an angry growl.

"Zev will have to come with me," I said quickly, trying to appease my disgruntled mate. Darren nodded stiffly.

"As long as he agrees to control himself." Zev released another agitated rumble.

"He agrees." I murmured even though Zev said no such thing.

Darren laughed half-heartedly. "I honestly didn't think it would be this difficult returning one stray omega." I smiled weakly. Josh huffed in the background causing Darren to finally lose some of his cool.

"Speaking of control," he looked over his shoulder, directing a death glare at his beta to be. "Return to the packed house now. That is an order." He commanded leaving absolutely no room for argument. Josh growled but backed away nonetheless. He aimed an intense glare at Zev before turning and eventually fading into the night. Darren sighed. "I have to apologize, I don't know what's gotten into him," his eyebrows pinched. I felt Zev huff, as he finally relaxed a little.

"I see that you are more than safe here," he glanced at Zev's impressive form," Otherwise I would've had to drag you back tonight. As I said earlier, there have been rogue sightings so stay alert. Come in the morning, the pack will be expecting you by then." I nodded. "Oh and Kaleb," Darren said over his shoulder as he walked away "Congratulations on finding your mate, my mother will be happy."

I blushed almost wanting to die at the thought of all the cooing and coddling I'd receive from the Luna and other pack females upon returning to the pack, especially with my mate. Darren openly laughed at my discomfort.

"Don't worry," he smirked good-naturedly "I'm sure it'll be much worse than you think it will." with that he shifted, quickly running off into the dark forest.

I leaned away from Zev so he could stand and shift. My eyes unashamedly perused his naked body causing my own to tingle in response.

"Zev?" I called softly.

"I will go with you to your pack." he said lowly "and then I am taking you away, do you understand puppy?"

I gulped. "Where?"

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