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I'm going to kill him.

I've never felt this kind of rage before, the need to rip the flesh from Josh's body was consuming. The distress he's caused my mate makes me want to tear his head off. Two weeks have passed the body and the note appeared and Kaleb has been beating himself up over the loss of his pack mate.

My little puppy has felt nothing but guilt over these past two weeks, he blames himself for the death of his pack mate. That alone makes me want to torture Josh slowly. I was leaning against the island next to Kaleb while he ate his sandwich.

It's been two weeks and nothing but silence. Everyone was still on edge. As Luna Eden said, without a scent there hasn't been much progress and Alpha Drake has increased the patrol on the borders. The only reason I didn't go off on my own to hunt Josh down, was that I wasn't willing to let Kaleb out of my sight. I had practicallybecome my mate's shadow, constantly looking out for anything that might even make him frown.

Zev, come eat. he coaxed softly through our link, effectively getting my mind off of finding Josh and ripping him to shreds for at least five seconds. I couldn't help but to soften a little from the hard glare I was sporting. I walked over and sat next to Kaleb at the island, picking up his other uneaten sandwich and taking a bite. Satisfied with his small victory, He returned his attention to his own lunch.

When we were both finished, he took the plate to the sink, washing it and putting it away. I watched him, licking my lips. He looked delectable as always.

When he was done he came back and I motioned for him to sit on my lap. He complied, wrapping his arms around my neck as he made himself comfortable. I placed my hands on his waist, pulling him close. Unable to help myself I buried my face in his neck, nudging the mark I'd given him softly.

"Z-Zev," he stuttered cutely.

"Yes, little one?" I murmured against the sensitive mark. A shudder raced through him in response.


"I was thinking about what Darren said." He said warily, knowing what my reaction would be. I didn't disapoint. I immediately froze my movements, growling lowly against his throat.

"Pl-please Zev, just hear me out." He pleaded. I growled, ripping my face from his neck.

"No." I bit out through clenched teeth. I couldn't help but glare into his grey eyes as he looked up at me, nibbling on his lip.


With a snarl I stood up, throwing Kaleb onto my shoulder. He squealed as his small hands made fists in the back of my shirt. I walked to his room, keeping a firm grip on his legs so he wouldn't slip. His pack mates scurried out of my path, something they'd been doing since I arrived. Not that I minded. I payed them no attention, I was too focused on getting Kaleb all to myself and erasing these foolish ideas from his head. Next time I saw Darren I was going to break his jaw for putting them there.

"No, Zev, don't hurt him! Please!" I ignored him as I opened his door, closing and locking it behind me.

"Zev just listen-"

I wasn't in the mood for listening. Without much effort I tossed Kaleb onto his bed, causing him to bounce slightly. He was blushing madly as he nibbled his lip. I could smell his arousal, though it was faint.

"Please just hear me out," he said quickly, standing up on his knees as I made my way to the foot of the bed.

"No." I deadpanned.

"Why not!?" He whined, pouting. I growled, knashing my teeth together.

"I'm not letting them within a ten mile radius of you!"

"We only need ten miles!" He stressed. "No one said they had to get close to me, just close enough!" My jaw ticked. The little vixen knew his safety is one thing I won't ever budge on, so why is he trying so hard to change my mind?

Kaleb's usually inviting grey eyes turned as hard as steel as he made his way on his knees to the edge of the bed. There was hardly an inch of space between us. My little love was glaring up at me. It was adorable really and under different circumstances I would have taken the opportunity to tease him over it.

"Why are you being so stubborm?" He asked, replying to my thoughts. "And it is not just because of my safety." He said almost petulantly, crossing his slender arms.

"You're right," I admitted darkly "it's not. The real reason is, when I see Josh I'm going to rip out his throat and and use his intestestines to strangle the life out of your father and anyone else who poses a threat to you. I'm going to tear them to shreds." I let the weight of my words sink in. "That's not something you need to see."

"Bullshit!" He cried, stabbing my chest with a slim finger. I grabbed his wrist firmly, moving his hand.

"I'm not bullshitting, Kaleb, I truly don't want you see me like that. When I lose it... I don't want to scare you." I brought my free hand up to gently trace his jaw but he jerked away from the caress causing me to growl lightly.

I couldn't help myself, I wrapped my hand around his throat forcing our eyes to meet once again, lowering my face to his. The glare was still in his eyes and the corners of his lips were pulled down in an adorable frown.

"That doesn't matter," he said decidedly. "No one else is going to die because of me and if that means I have to be bait then so be it. If it means I become scared of you then so be it, but I doubt that because we both know you'd never hurt me." He said confidently even though my hand was wrapped around his neck, but that only served to prove his point as it wasn't actually hurting him.

I growled as a little bit of my resolve caved. It was almost scary how easily I let him have his way sometimes.

"I don't want you near the fighting."

"If we do this right then I won't be." He assured me placing a hand on my chest. I removed my hand from his neck, placing it on his lower back and pulled him into my chest.

"Come on, let's go talk to Alpha Drake," he said, trying to move from my embrace but I wouldn't allow it.

"Mmm, later, little one," I said pulling his face to mine and kissing him deeply. He moaned softly, instantly opening his mouth to allow me in. His hands fisted the front of my shirt as mine grabbed his ass, giving it a slight squeeze.

Talking to the Alpha would have to wait. I was hungry for something else now.


I am so sorry for the wait. I've been busy with exams and every time I tried to write something it turned out to be utter shit. This was probably the least shitty version of this chapter that I have written. Writer's block is a bitch, I know how I want the Tiger's Omega to end but writing the things between are proving to be difficult. Honestly, I'm at a loss. I don't want it to be just a series of short shitty chapters from here on out. Hopefully I'll get out of this rough patch soon and once again I deeply apologize for the wait, hopefully you understand.


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