| THE TIGER'S OMEGA | 29 | 18+ |

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Kaleb arched his back, whining deliriously as I pounded into his tight hole. His ass clenched and spasmed along my cock with every thrust. He was a mess under me and I reveled in the fact that it was me who had put him in such a state. Wet lips parted, panting, moaning, screaming my name. His onyx hair in a beautiful disarray, his ass well used and the perfect shade of red that complimented the rest of his pale body that lay quivering against the sheets. Grey eyes dripping tears from pleasure.

He never looked more beautiful.

His slick was an aphrodisiac like no other, the smell of my mate's saccharine juices alone was enough to set my blood to boil. And right now he was practically gushing the clear substance. Unable to resist my treat, I pulled out of him with a wet pop, pushing down between his shoulder blades so that his chest pressed against the sheets and his ass was in the air, waiting to be devoured.

"Pl-please no, Zev," he whined, wiggling his cute little butt, "Put it back i-in." I resisted the urge to cave into him, instead bringing myself eye level with his leaking star and blowing on it, watching in satisfaction as it clenched and unclenched rapidly. A chuff rumbled through me, I licked my lips.

"You're so wet baby," I whispered gruffly, leaning foward and rimming his hole. Kaleb mewled as a shudder wracked through him, his hands fisting the sheets. I lapped at the juices around the muscle, savoring his unique flavor. Still, I needed more. I thrust my tongue into him causing my little Kaleb to cry out as he began to push back against my face in an attempt to fuck himself on my tongue.

"Oh please, please, please," he chanted rocking himself as I thrust my tongue in and out of him. "Goddess, Zev, I w-wan-nah your co- mmhm cock," managed to say around his spine-tingling  moans.

"Are you sure, little one? You seem to be enjoying my tongue." I loved seeing him like this. So needy and desperate.

"Yes," he moaned airily.

"Yes, what?" I growled in his ear, using one hand to grab both his dainty wrists and stretch them above his head, wrapping the other around the slender column of his neck. I loved fucking him in this position. He couldn't move, only take whatever I gave him. Complete submission.

"Yes, Zev." he responded.

I chuffed my approval. Kaleb keened as I thrust my way back inside his tight hole. I couldn't help the groan that escaped me at the feel of his chute squeezing along my throbbing cock. I was so close, and I could tell Kaleb was too. His moans were getting louder as  his trembling increased. Pulling out until only the tip remained, I slammed my hips against his ass, causing the head of my shaft to peg against his joy button harshly. I continued slamming into him over and over again, speeding up when I felt his ass tightening around me.

"Ah, mmnah- Zev. I- cumm." He huffed between moans. 

"Come for me, little one." I snarled, increasing the speed of my hips as I chased my own orgasm. I erupted inside him just as he came all over the sheets as he screamed. I groaned giving a few more thrusts before pulling out with a wet pop. Kaleb sagged against the bed. I almost felt bad because there was no doubt I was the cause of his exhaustion.  Three days have passed and so did his heat. Still, that did not deter me from filling him to the brim my seed as many times as I could.

 I almost felt bad about shirking my duties, but the pack managed just fine without us. Josh made sure to bring us meals, leaving them at the door, after the first day they quickly realized we weren't going to be leaving the room for a while.  

I watched his chest rise and fall as he tried to catch his breath. I really couldn't comprehend how I'd been so lucky to have him as a mate. He was mine, all mine. And soon he'd be carrying my child.

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