| THE TIGER'S OMEGA | 28 | 18+ |

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A week has passed and everyone has fallen into a strict routine. We were all still on edge and expecting an attack at any time. Fortunately, there have been no reported signs of rogues. Since Zev is the head of patrols during the day, I only see him at night. Something I wasn't happy about, but I refused to complain, we had bigger things to worry about. So instead of just sitting around all day missing my mate, I've been helping the pack mothers with the pups. Sadly, some were orphaned from the attack, which broke my heart as well as pissed me off beyond belief. It made me want to rip Jared to shreds myself, even more so than before.

Darren has been busy coordinating defense plans with enforcer wolves, leaving Josh alone for most of the day. Besides focusing on his recovery, he's been helping where he can. Rather, he's been helping with things Darren deemed minimally stressful. Josh may act like he couldn't stand his mate's overprotectiveness, but I could tell he actually enjoyed it- a lot.

Josh took this time to settle into his new position as Lunos. He made sure to give all the orphaned little ones the attention and care they needed. It was really funny to see him giving in to the whims of the children. He was back to a healthy weight, almost the same size as he was before, so to watch the 6'3 wall of muscle surrounded by children was endearing. It clashed with his asshole personality but he was so good with the kids you wouldn't think he was actually a buttface.

Right now the little ones were busy playing in the yard, under the watchful eye of the pack mothers and some enforcer wolves. I couldn't help the pang of longing I felt looking at them. I can't wait until I have my own pups. The thought of carrying Zev's cubs filled me with unbelievable warmth. Tearing my eyes away from the playing cherubs, I made my way inside. It was hot outside and I needed some water. Hopefully, it would help this time. For some reason, I've been feeling a little off lately. I just can't figure out what is wrong with me.

Fixing myself the ice-cold drink, I took a few sips before heading over to the living room, almost bumping into Josh in the process. I couldn't help but glare up at his smirking face, knowing that he did it on purpose.

"Sorry, runt didn't see you there." I rolled my eyes and walked around him, fighting a smile. It was good to see him feeling better, even if he was being an asshat.

"Whatever you oaf," I joked before finishing off my water in record time. I didn't think I was that thirsty. With a mental shrug, I just wrote it off to it being really hot out.

"What was that?" He growled playfully just as I set the cup in the sink. Before I could reply sarcastically he was charging towards me. A laugh exploded from my lips as I dashed away from him. He was twice my size and could catch me easily if he wanted to, but it was more fun if he allowed me to think I could actually get away.

I could hear his playful snarls and growls from behind me as I ran full speed into the living room. My adrenaline pumping, causing my heart to hammer. I released a giggle as he chased me around the couch before finally tackling me into the soft cushions. The butthole had the audacity to then sit on me as if I was one of said cushions. My small hands pushed futilely against his back, trying to get his large body off my much smaller one.

"Ugh, I can't breathe, gigantor, get off!" I laughed, still squirming. Josh frowned as he mock glared down at me.

"You're no fun, small fry." He groaned as he got up, plopping down beside me. I took an exaggerated gulp of air, clutching my stomach.

"You are definitely not small," I quipped back, "What has Darren been feeding you!?" Josh smirked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"I don't suck and tell," he winked. I couldn't help the blush that spread across my cheeks at the unexpected answer. From what Josh has told me about the intimacy in their relationship, I hadn't realized it'd developed that far. A few days ago he came to me wanting to talk about how he was still uncomfortable around Darren at times, especially when it came to oral contact of any kind.

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