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The walk to the packed house had been mostly uneventful aside from a few curious glances. My pack mates made sure to give our little group a wide berth. Although I think they were mostly trying to stay out of the way of the giant, lumbering tiger shifter. It didn't bother me until I noticed that most of the stares were coming from unmated females. This, of course, agitated my wolf and Zev being Zev caught on immediately and pulled me closer into his side. It helped a little but I couldn't help but wish they'd given him a shirt. His bare chest was not only distracting for me but also drawing unwanted attention. I stifled a jealous growl as the corners of my lips pulled down. Zev hummed lowly, catching my attention.

I belong to you, little one, no one else he rumbled gently as his hand squeezed my waist comfortingly.

I belong to you too, Zev, I responded, the words coming like second nature. I could practically feel his smirk as he replied

I already knew that, little one, didn't we establish that last night? I blushed furiously and quickly buried my face in his side hoping no one noticed.

Yes, but it wouldn't hurt to be reminded. My wolf thought lasciviously.

I stayed there until we came to a short stop in front of the immense pack house. I finally peaked once we moved across the threshold. The four wolves branched off to return to their posts. We were left with the Alpha family and the beta. I could practically feel the stares as the door closed behind us with a thud.

Darren excused himself, saying he had something he needed to do, his father gave him a firm nod before continuing to walk. The Luna, who was still at Alpha Drake's side holding his arm, would turn her head occasionally to look back at me and Zev as if to reaffirm with herself that we were real. In no time we had reached a large mahogany door, one that I was very familiar with. As pups, we were told that only had pups went behind this door because they were in trouble and would be scolded by the Alpha as a result. I felt like a pup again, getting in trouble and winding up behind the mahogany door to get a scolding.

Once inside, Alpha Drake offered his large seat behind the impressive desk to his mate who accepted with a girly giggle. Then he motioned to the seats in front of it as his beta stood by the door. I made a move to sit in one but apparently, Zev had other ideas as he pulled me into his lap setting my small frame on one tree trunk thigh. My cheeks blazed while Zev sat there completely unperturbed as if his lap was the only logical spot to sit in the room in the first place. Luna squealed whispering to herself about how cute we were. Alpha stood behind his mate resting his hands on the top of the back of the chair.

"Now-" My Alpha began only to be cut off by his mate.

"Wait! I almost forgot!" she exclaimed, quickly standing up and slamming her hands down on the desk. "You," she pointed an accusatory finger aimed at my chest "You had me worried sick! I understand you wanted some quality with your mate but a quick message through the mind link wouldn't have killed you!" I winced, ashamed and unable to meet her stern gaze.

"I apologize, Luna," I said softly. She humphed plopping back down into the chair.

"Your mother would have cursed me out in the afterlife if anything happened to you, pup," she said with her arms crossed.

"Alright, dove, you've given him enough grief for now," Alpha said sternly, gently resting a large paw on her slender shoulder. He then addressed me and Zev once again. "I understand that it is your intention to take Kaleb away, from what you said earlier. I must admit, I don't completely agree with this decision-"

"Then it's a good thing it isn't your decision to make," Zev growled lowly.

"No," Alpha Drake's face hardened " it's not, it's Kaleb's. I want to know how he feels about all of this." Zev nodded stiffly and suddenly three sets of eyes were focused solely on me. I swallowed thickly.

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