| THE TIGER'S OMEGA | 31 | 18+ |

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I nibbled on my lip worriedly. Ever since Zev left my mind has been racing. My mate had relocated Josh and I to the Alpha's room which Josh was not happy about. He wanted to be out with his mate helping, but Darren put his foot down, ordering us both to stay put until further notice. He posted two enforcer wolves outside the door and another pair below the room's window. I had pestered Zev about what he'd seen, seeking answers I probably didn't want to know. He wouldn't tell me what was going on and I was dying to know what was on the other side of the door but at the same time I wanted to remain in the dark. The sun was long gone and my anxiety was only growing. I already knew that whatever it was Jared was behind it and the thought of it made me feel nauseous. But what exactly had he done? Had more of my pack mates been hurt because of me? My head was swimming with negative thoughts about all the ways this could end badly.

I was well aware of what Jared would do if he caught me while I was pregnant. The only question was if he'd wait until after I'd given birth to kill them, or cause an intentional miscarriage. I rubbed my stomach as my brows furrowed. I don't care what I have to do, Jared was never touching my pups. I already loved them so much, I'd do anything to keep them safe. I was still processing the fact that I would be having twins. I would be bringing two lives into the world instead of one. I wondered if they would be pups or cubs, or maybe one of each. I'd adore them either way. It upset me to know that they were in as much danger as I was, perhaps even more so. It frustrated me too. I was a runt, I couldn't fight off anyone and now that I was pregnant I was more than useless. I fought back angry tears that pricked at my eyes. How could I protect them if I couldn't even protect myself? I sighed heavily. The only thing I could do was bring these two into the world as safely as possible, even if I didn't make it.

Josh glanced at me seeming to finally notice the placement of my hands. He stopped his pacing and sat on the small love seat next to me. My friend bumped my shoulder with his softly. It was hardly a bump really, he was being overly gentle.

"You guys work fast." he smirked, looking pointedly at my belly. I blushed and fought the urge to pout, sniffling a little. I could tell that he was trying to keep my mind off things. I was grateful for the distraction that he provided. "When I asked when you were having pups I didn't think it would be this soon." he continued some of his shock showing in the amusement in his voice. I rolled my eyes. Of course he'd take this opportunity to tease me.

"I can't wait til Darren gets you pregnant," I humphed. It was my turn to smirk when he practically turned into a tomato.

"Th- That's not- I- I can't" he sputtered, blue eyes wide as he blinked owlishly. I pursed my lips so that I wouldn't outright laugh at his face. "Darren can't get me p-pregnant," he finally got out all in one breath.

I raised an eyebrow. "I think we both know that is incorrect. We were all taught about the birds and bees, Josh." He knew as well as I that male werewolves could get pregnant under two specific conditions. The first was my case, in which if the male was an omega, he could bear children. In Josh's case, since Darren was an Alpha he was granted the ability by the Goddess - as all Alpha's are- to impregnate his mate whether it be male or female. This is mostly because in werewolf society it is important for the Alpha to have an heir who he passes his power to genetically, thus the Moon Goddess gave Alphas this power. "So, when are you guys going to have pups?" I asked smugly, my having effectively been lifted. Josh looked like he was going to have a heart attack. He buried his face in his hands to hide his red cheeks, groaning.

"I don't even want to think about it," The big bad Beta whined, peaking at me through his fingers. It was nice to have him on the receiving end of the teasing for once. I smiled, reveling in my victory as I leaned further into the couch's soft cushions.

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