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The light from the sun was beginning to fade but we paid it no mind. We continued to talk about random things while we sat, with me criss-cross applesauce with my hands still blocking my privates and him with one leg bent and the other stretched out as he rested one large arm on his upright knee, leaving nothing to the imagination.

I was having a hard time keeping my eyes from wandering and as usual, my attempts at restraint were unsuccessful.

Smirking, Zev cleared his throat causing my face to flush red from being caught. I had to drop my gaze from his heated one, it was almost too much to take. I still felt his eyes on me though, as they took in my body.

"You're too tempting for words, little one, " he groaned causing my cock to twitch. I was still too flushed to meet his eyes. "I could just eat you up right now, " he growled.

Suddenly, Zev lurched forward, covering the nearly nonexistent distance between us, and grabbed my waist. He lifted my much smaller body with almost unrealistic ease and I was pulled into his warm chest and straddling his muscular thighs. My hands set instinctively on his shoulders to steady myself. It was so quick that I almost got whiplash but when my brain caught up to my body I almost passed out. His shaft was pressed against my butt hard and ready. I had to stop myself from wiggling around on the thick organ and humping him like a horny puppy.

"I hope you don't mind, I simply couldn't keep my hands to myself any longer." he didn't sound apologetic at all. I could tell he wasn't by the mischievous lilt in his voice. In my opinion, he oughta show some remorse, I don't think my skin could take any more of the constant flushes of heat he invoked.

"Tell me about yourself, Kaleb," He said as he freely caressed my body. I looked up but since I was so small all I could see was the underside of his chin. With a little hesitation, I slowly began to do just that.

"Well...okay... My father was a rogue and my mother was a member of my current pack. At first, they were happy together, but then I was born. You have to understand that a wolf who has grown up a rogue has a harder time resisting their baser instincts and because of this, my father abandoned me and my mother even though she was his true mate. The reason he left was because I was a runt as well as an omega and my father hated that." I felt a twinge of pain that still lingered from my father's rejection. In his eyes, I shouldn't have been born.

Zev sat quietly, patiently listening to me while continuing his exploration of my body. I don't know how I managed to keep a train of thought despite his wandering hands but I did. I continued,

"My mother never blamed me for my dad's decision, if anything she babied me more than necessary. Especially since I was so tiny." A lump caught in my through as I recalled losing her when the Alpha fought with the coven of witches because they took his daughter. My mate continued to sit silently through my spiel. When I was done with my sob story Zev wiped away a tear I didn't even know had escaped.

His gaze was heated and filled with so much possessiveness my breath caught in my throat. The world could have ended but I wouldn't have noticed. Zev controlled my entire focus.

"Why would anyone want to give you up?" He asked rhetorically as he wrapped his huge arms around my waist pulling me flush against his toned chest. The self-pitying words tumbled from my lips before I could stop them,

"Because I'm a weak, useless run- Ah,"

I squealed as Zev pounced on me before I could finish my sentence. My arms were pinned above my head and 200 some pounds of angry tiger bared down on me. He fit perfectly in between my parted thighs our shafts aligned in just the right way that if either of us so much as shifted our hips it'd be pure bliss.

Zev glowered down at me his glowing brighter than I'd ever seen them.

"You are not an insignificant omega," his voice had lowered considerably. All the blood in my body rushed south in response to the deliciously deep baritone. "You are so much more than that and I will spend the rest of my existence proving that to you. You are mine."

His lips attacked mine ferociously, all I could do was submit and let him do whatever he wanted. I didn't try to battle his raging tongue as it plundered my mouth mercilessly. I couldn't even think straight as he staked his claim and dominance on my body. I moaned helplessly as he moved from my mouth to my neck, lathering the slim column with his tongue and hot open-mouthed kisses.

Shit. My shaft was leaking pre-cum like a fountain, I was so hot and every strike of his talented tongue stoked that fire till it was blazing all of my nerve endings. He found my sweet spot and latched onto it like a leech, pulling a strangled groan from my lips with each suck. I couldn't help but squirm as he worked my body like it was made just for him, and it was. I couldn't hear anything over the pounding of my blood in my ears and my erratic heart.

"Z- Zev," I gasped out past my ragged breathing. He pulled back and looked down at me like he wanted to devour me. In my current state, I don't think I'd be able to resist him, or that I'd want to. I felt his immense hard-on against my thigh and I just wanted to grind on it to relieve the strain on my aching shaft with some delicious friction.

"You have no idea how hard it is for me to not claim you right now, " he groaned in my ear before kissing up neck till he reached my earlobe and tugged on it gently with his teeth. I gasped as my heart rate spiked. Dragging his tongue across my cheek he then slipped the hot appendage into my mouth.

And I was lost.

He was taking me places I'd never dreamed of going and we were only kissing. I moaned as he completely ravaged my mouth, my poor cock getting impossibly harder by the second.

Huge hands caressed me, stimulating my already overstimulated body. My control was slipping over my wolf. My eyes felt itchy as they switched to my wolf's violet ones. It was almost too much as he worked my body as though he'd built it. His fingers played with my sensitive pebbled nipples, rolling and pulling them in ways that made my brain fizzle. Delicious waves of arousal washed over me casting me into a sea of mindless desire. Without Zev as my anchor, I'd be floating adrift with no direction.

Breaking apart for air, Zev gazed down at me fiercely. The green in his hazel eyes shimmered brightly. He was panting only slightly while I was gulping in air by the gallons. In that moment I truly believed that he would devour me. And I would enjoy every second of it.

"I don't want to hear you speak badly about yourself ever again," he said, his chest heaving. I nodded. My lips were numb and so were my arms that are still stretched over my head.

He pulled me up until we were in our original positions and held me tight against him. I buried my head under his chin until I could come down from the high he invoked in me.

We spent the next few moments with me tucked in my hiding place with him holding me like I'd vanish into thin air. Not that I was planning on leaving anytime soon.


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