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We all sat in silence after the pack doctor's words, because of course that possibility wasn't even remotely considered. I couldn't help the slight pang of guilt I felt at not even giving him the benefit of the doubt. Even if he was behind all this insanity, didn't he deserve at least that much, doesn't everyone? The pack doctor sighed but said no more on the matter, instead, she switched topics.

"I also have reason to believe the note meant for you, Alpha, was also covered with the perfume since there was no trace of a scent on it or around it." The Alpha nodded his face pensive, his eyes troubled.

"We also came to the conclusion that Kaleb's father and his tormentor were working together. " It was Samira who nodded this time.

"Have you identified the body of the pack member who was killed?" Luna asked softly.

"Yes, it was Jameel, poor boy, he was only 18." she lamented sadly. "He was too young and too sweet to meet an end like that. If you do find whoever is behind all this, rip out their heart for me." Her eyes flickered to the yellow-gold of her wolf's.

"With pleasure." Zev promised meeting her golden gaze with his emerald one. He then turned his attention to the Alpha. "There is something Kaleb wishes to speak with you about, though I do not agree with it." he said and the Alpha's eyes landed on me. I gulped, a slight flush filling my pale cheeks.

"Go on, Kaleb." The Alpha implored encouragingly, trying to keep the dominance from seeping into his voice, for which I was grateful.

"I, well um," I sputtered shyly, before clearing my throat. "I think Darren's plan will work, if by using me you are able to end this then..." I trailed off as the Alpha shook his head,

"I have to agree with your mate on this one, pup, you being the bait is too risky. We'll find another way." he said with finality and I wasn't obliged to argue. I simply nodded and decided to hope he was right.

"You nearly bit my head off when I said no." Zev pointed out. "How come he gets a nod?"

I almost wanted to giggled at how childish he was being. "Because, he's the Alpha." I replied smartly, humor lacing my tone. Zev growled lowly so that only I could hear in response.

"Ah, look at the time." the pack doctor said turning her attention the grandfather clock. "Jared should be back with the supplies I asked for soon. Jeez that boy is always late, he gets it from my sister, I swear." she mumbled the last bit while picking up the flower petals from the table and putting them back in her cabinet. "I have nothing else to report Alpha, unfortunately." she said over her shoulder.

"It's fine, Samira, this was help enough," The Alpha said tiredly. "We'll leave you be, now."

Samira nodded and walked us all to the door. It was dark outside and there was a slight nip in the air. Zev pulled me closer when I shivered at the cool breeze that that ghosted over my skin, leaving goosebumps in it's wake. Samira walked over to me, smiling gently.

"May the blessings of the Goddess guard you, little pup." she said, patting my cheek affectionately.

"Thank you." I said, graciously accepting the blessing with a bow of my head.

She smiled warmly, before turning to say her final goodbyes to the Alpha and Luna who responded in kind.

"Good night, Kaleb," Luna said walking over and placing a kiss on my brow. "And don't you worry, we'll find who is behind all this and I'll tear them to shreds." She promised, a growl entering her soft voice. I couldn't help but wrap my arms around her slim waist , seeking comfort only a mother could give. In a way she was like a mother to me and I hoped the goddess wouldn't allow her to to be hurt in the midst of all this.

"Oh, pup," she cooed softly, running her fingers through my dark curls. Her chin rest on my head as she too held me close. "My sweet, sweet pup."

"Come Eden," Alpha Drake called "Let's allow them to leave to rest, we should do the same." The powerful male said, his tone sweet, as it always was when he addressed him mate.

"Alright," she agreed, before giving me one last tight squeeze. I let her go and she moved toward her mate but stopped and looked over her shoulder toward Zev. "Please look after him for me." She said misty eyed.

"Always." The large tiger said pulling me into his immense side. She nodded.

"Good." Then she turned once again, regally resuming her walk towards her mate who greeted her with open arms.

"Let's get you to bed, little one."


Zev lay asleep next to me, clutching me closely to his large body protectively. I wanted to fall into the blissful void of sleep, but I couldn't. Something didn't feel right. My wolf was just as restless as I was, pacing back and forth in my mind. I stared the ceiling blankly, my mind was unnaturally clear. All of my senses were on high alert, I just didn't know why. I tried to snuggle further into Zev's massive chest, hoping it would calm my nerves, to no avail.

"Something wrong is on the wind." My wolf said cryptically, a ripple of disgust rolling through his dark coat.

Icy claws of fear began to creep into my heart, my palms were getting sweaty, even Zev's proximity wasn't helping. Danger! My instincts screamed. I clenched my eyes shut, wanting to block out the distressing thoughts. Zev shifted slightly in his sleep, burying his face in my hair. I tried to focus on the sound of his strong, steady heart beat and his addicting smell, but that didn't help either. It felt like my skin was crawling.

I couldn't take it anymore, sitting up I shrugged off Zev's heavy arms. My mate stirred again, this time rousing fully.

"What's wrong?" he asked groggily, propping himself up on one elbow.

"I can't sleep, something feels wrong but I don't know what it is. I'm on edge and I feel like something bad is going to happen, something that we won't be able to stop." I didn't know I was crying until Zev brushed the salty tears away. I took in a shaky breath as his hand gripped my chin gently, turning my face to his.

"I won't let them hurt you. I love you, Kaleb," he confessed staring deeply into my grey eyes. My heart fluttered before increasing it's tempo triple time. A furious blush spread across my cheeks as tears filled my eyes. A joy that I'd only felt once before in my life, when I first met Zev filled me. "I love you and I would give my life to protect you, I-" I cut him off smashing my lips against his. I opened our link and tried to pour all of my feelings for him through it. All my feelings of love, security, longing and desire, I wanted him to understand just how much those three little words affected me. I began placing sporadic kisses all over his face, cupping his cheeks in my palms. Zev placed his strong hands on my waist, picking me up and placing on his lap so that I was straddling him.

"I-I love you too, Zev." I said breathlessly. "More than anything. I'm so happy that the Goddess blessed me with the gift of being yours." Tears were streaming down my face and Zev wiped them away. He pressed our foreheads together, releasing deep, contented chuffs.

"I'm going to kill them all." He promised placing a kiss on my brow. I believed him, he said the words so simply but they were uttered like a statement of fact. My mate would truly kill them all.

After hours of staring at the ceiling sinking in my own paranoia, Zev was able to wipe all of the doubt and fear away. As he clutched me to his chest I was finally able to find sleep, perfectly content and happy beyond imagination.


You guys are gonna hate me...
Sorry in advance.

*Runs and hides*


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