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It has been a whole day since we set out on Larken's trail. With every minute that passed my frustration seemed to increase. I wanted nothing more than to have my sweet little omega back in my arms.

Where is he!? My tiger roared, baring his fangs. I growled in agreement. The large feline was pacing in the back of my mind about two seconds away from pushing his way to the forefront and taking control. Not that I blamed him. We hadn't gotten very far in our search.

We continually lost the scent and it would take a half hour to pick it back up again each time. However, we were getting close. The trail of blood was getting fresher, as if his wounds weren't properly healing. It made me wonder who it was that had injured him so bad.

Darren was becoming impatient as well. You could see it in the agitated movement of his tail. His ears twitched as he inspected the most recent drop of Larken's blood that we'd found. The wolves behind us waited for their Alpha to give them an order.

Darren threw back his large lupine head, releasing a powerful howl. The wolves responded in kind, creating a chorus that filled the air with sound. Darren ended the sound with a snap of his large jaws before bounding off into the woods. The wolves growled and whined from the excitement of the chase as they plunged into the thicket after their chosen leader without a seconds hesitation.

My tiger rumbled lowly in his chest as we raced beside them. The sound of paws hitting the ground was thunderous as it filled the the forest.

We ran for about a half an hour before Darren's dark brown wolf came to a sudden halt. He raised his nose to the air, taking three deep huffs, before he set off again. A moment later we broke into a small clearing. Larken's scent was strong here.

It didn't take long for my eyes to find his wounded body, leaning heavily against the trunk of a tree. Darren shifted and so did I, the others remained in their second form.

I was surprisingly calm. A lot calmer than I expected to be. Darren reached him before me, his muscles were taunt with the strain of not ripping Larken to shreds. I was grateful for his restraint, I seemed to be lacking in that department as of late.

Larken smiled up at us as I reached them. Blood covered his mouth and flowed down his throat and chest. There was a deep gash on his side, obviously the result of claws meeting flesh. He tried to straighten himself, not that the movement did much but cause his wound to bleed more profusely. Darren's eyes were the golden hue of his wolf's, they were like two tiny suns.

"Ah, you found me,"Larken said teasingly. "took you long enough." Darren snarled, taking a threatening step toward the pathetic excuse of a man. I placed a hand on his shoulder, impeding his advancement. I knew if he got any closer he'd rip his throat out. We needed answers first.

"Maybe you'll be able to finish what your father started." he taunted, a sadistic smirk pulling at his lips. "Pity he wasn't able to finish before he was ripped apart. He was crazy to think he'd be able to take on half a pack of wolves by himself. But hey, losing a mate can do that to a man."

Darren began visibly shaking, his hands were clenched so hard his palms were bleeding. A deep growl rumbled through him. My grip on his shoulder tightened before I released him.

"At least my parents will be reunited." he bit out, his voice audibly deeper. It was clear his wolf was speaking. "You will never see Lena again. You will rot in hell knowing that your mate is at peace without you. I would ask the goddess to have mercy on your soul but the likelihood of that is non existent." Larken scowled.

"Don't you dare say her name! I loved her! She was mine!" he roared pathetically. "But she chose that runt over me. For that she deserved to die." he said as if he'd convinced himself of it. My eyes flashed emerald as I growled lowly.

"You didn't deserve her or Kaleb, you bastard. Honestly, they were better off without you." The young alpha spit out. Larken laughed, it was the sound of a man losing his last shred of sanity.

"Obviously not since one is dead and the other is- oops almost let it slip." The fucker smiled and I snarled in response.

Larken's grey eyes then landed on me. His smile fell as his face paled, this pleased my tiger to know that he feared us.

"Tell me where my mate is." Larken smirked and I may or may not have lost some of my control as my hand shot out, viciously pressing into his open wound. I was crouched so that we were eye to eye. Larken cried out in agony as I forcibly shoved my fingers deeper into the wound, grazing his ribs. My tiger reveled in his pained gasps.

"Tell me where my mate is. " I repeated a snarl lacing my words. He groaned his eyes clouded with pain.

"W-Why, you're going to kill me anyways." I increased the pressure.

"Depending on your answer, the one to kill you will be either be me or Darren." Darren growled ominously causing fear to enter Larken's eyes. "Choose your words wisely." I warned pulling my hand away and standing back up. Larken gulped.

"Jared plans to rally the rest of the rogues we assembled and attack again. He intends to kill all the high ranking wolves remaining and take over the pack completely. Kaleb will be his Luna and that Beta boy he's has will probably be killed."
Darren looked like was kicked in the lungs. His eyes went wide in shock.

"Josh," he whispered so low, I could barely hear him.

"Where?" I asked again losing patience. Larken coughed up a glob of blood. Before giving us bloody smile.

"He is in a shack east of here. It's heavily guarded by rogues, you can't miss it."

I nodded, stepping forward. I would keep my end of the deal. The quicker his death was the faster I would be with my little Kaleb. Larken laughed again, a truly deranged sound.

"You better hurry, tiger, he is probably getting the brains fucked out of him right now. Hope you got a chance to hit it first. But don't worry, Jared is good in bed" he licked his lips. "I would know."

All of my control dissipated as my tiger took full control, flinging me deep into the inner regions of my mind. I had absolutely no control over my body. I could feel my muscles moving but I held no sway over what movements they made. My gaze was tinted red.

I felt my fingers bury themselves in his hair. I heard the audible snap and tearing of flesh as I forcibly ripped his head from shoulders as if I was plucking a weed. With a roar I threw the head across the clearing and shifted.

My tiger propelled our legs forward in the direction of our mate, not caring if the band of wolves were following or not.

I'm coming little one.


Hello, loves thanks for reading as all ways. I want to apologize for this shitty chapter, but trust me it is going to get better.

Zev is finally closer to finding Kaleb. How will Kaleb handle this volitile version of his mate? How Darren will react when he finds his lost beta... Hmm, food for thought.

Please leave your thoughts in the comments.

With love,



Josh is the youngest at the age of 18 while Darren and Kaleb are both 19.

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