Diamant Til Kull

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Back when Francis was alive, Arthur didn't have to pick the kids up very often. He felt kind of strange, parking his car in such a colourful space. All the parking spaces were painted bright reds and yellows and Arthur felt like they were mocking his pain.
He eased his car into a space and turned it off, wandering into the school to sit with the other parents who were picking their children up.
"Aren't you Matthew and Alfred's father?" One of the teachers walking by halted when she caught sight of him. She looked young and had a pink flower in her hair.
"I am..." Arthur took a deep breath.
"I'm glad you're here. I need to speak with you."
Oh no.
"Alright. Here or..."
"In my office."
"Follow me." The woman lead Arthur through the hallways to an office full of flowers and more bright colours than Arthur knew what to do with. He sat down in a plastic chair, feeling awkward in such a childish setting. "My name is Mrs. Hedervary, but you can just call me Elizaveta."
"You can call me Arthur."
"I heard about what happened. How are you doing?"
"I don't know...I'm handling it."
"And you're sure it's okay to have the boys back at school so soon after?"
"They don't really know what's going on." Arthur admitted. "They just know that Francis isn't around anymore."
Elizaveta nodded at this.
"Why? Did something happen?"
"They both seem a little troubled. Matthew is oddly quiet, even for him, and Alfred is testy."
"Look...I just...I don't really know what else to do. I've never been through anything like this before. I don't know where to put myself and the kids."
"Listen," Elizaveta steepled her fingers in a very consoling manor. "There's this other dad whose kid just started school here. He went through the same thing you're going through right now. I think having somebody with similar experiences to guide you might help ease the burden a little."
"I'll give you his number to call if you feel like it would benefit you. I'll email him right now to tell him you might ring him."
"What's his name?" Arthur asked. Not knowing could make things super weird if he ever decided to call. If.
"Lukas." Elizaveta replied. "Lukas Bondevik." (I don't think that's spelled right)


"Dad, can we stop for ice cream on the way home?" Alfred asked as Arthur loaded Peter into the car seat between the twins.
"But daaaaaad!" Matthew whined.
"You'll ruin your dinner."
"What's for dinner?" Alfred wondered.
"Leftovers from Uncle Dylan."
"Ew." Matthew pouted.
"Don't be rude." Arthur scolded.
"I wanted chicken nuggets." Alfred groaned. "From McDonalds."
"I want a Tim Hortons breakfast sandwich and an ice Capp."
"You're too young for ice capps...and it's not breakfast right now."
"A bacon one...on a biscuit!"
"Who puts a sandwich on a biscuit?" Arthur grimaced, not noticing the language barrier he had come across. It's not that kind of biscuit, Arthur. Get with the times.
"Daaaaaad!" Alfred shouted. "I don't want leftovers!"
"Quiet down." The kid was turning heads in the parking lot. Arthur didn't want to start a scene."
"Don't back talk me." Arthur closed the car door and walked around the front to get in the driver's seat.
"I! Want! McDonald's!"
"You're not getting bloody McDonald's." Arthur shouted. The car went quiet for a few moments, shock on the older children's faces. Their father had never snapped at them with that much hostility before. They looked genuinely fearful for their lives.
Arthur took a deep breath, calming himself down.
"I'm sorry. Do you guys want to have a sleepover with Alister?"
"YES!" Matthew nodded vigorously.
"And do you guys want to take some time off school?"
"I don't."
"No. Me neither. There's this new girl named Bella in our class. She's really cute and she brought us all chocolate." Matthew gushed.
"Sounds like somebody might have a crush." Arthur lifted a thick eyebrow.
"I had a crush on her chocolate." Alfred admitted.
"I don't have a crush on her! I have a crush on Ivan! I thought I told you!"
He had. On the first day of school last year over a massive, elaborate dinner which Francis cooked. The Frenchman had wanted to make first day of school dinners a tradition but with Arthur's cooking skills, he doubted it would carry on.
Or maybe it could.
"What if we went to that Chinese restaurant for supper instead?" He suggested.
"The one where I peed in the wishing fountain?" Alfred asked.
"No. We were banned from there. The one where Peter spat up on Papa's favourite shirt."
"Ooooooh. That one."
"Do you want to go there then?"
"I do! Their egg rolls made me gassy and I farted in Alfred's face." Matthew recalled.
Alfred grimaced at the memory. "I wanna go too. But only if Mattie doesn't get any egg rolls."

And then Arthur was really happy because the kids healed him with their innocent smiles and farts and he never needed to call Lukas the end. Just kidding. Liza would kill me ^_^.

Knull Meg Hardt, PappaWhere stories live. Discover now