Dekk Bord

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You know you're camping in Canada when somebody uses an axe to open a package of hot dogs.

"I don't want to wear a suit!" Alfred whined, pulling at his tie.
"Your brothers are in suits." Arthur explained, trying to redo his oldest son's tie. "Don't you want to look cool like them?"
"I'm a leader, not a follower."
"Alfred, this isn't a trend. It's a funeral."
"Dad, what's a funeral?" Matthew asked, grabbing onto Arthur's leg.
"It's a time to say goodbye to your papa."
"We get to see him?!" Matthew's eyes lit up.
"Well...yes. But...uh..." How was he going to explain this one? "He's...well...his soul won't be in his body..."
"When aliens take people...they don't need their bodies...just their they give us the bodies back so we can bury them."
"Why do we have to bury him? Why can't we just keep him?" Alfred wondered, finally staying still long enough to get his tie fixed.
"It's a sign of respect, Alfred. You do respect your papa, don't you?"
"Do you respect me?"
Arthur gave his child a quizzical look.
"Hey, dad...Peter is chewing on his foot again."
"Damn it." Arthur picked the infant up, but the little guy screamed. He sighed. "Matthew, go get his toy." 
"Aye." The tiny blond rushed off to fulfil his duty while Arthur fussed with rolling Alfred's sleeve over the bulk of his cast. It was covered in messy children's scribbles, most of which were from Matthew. Arthur had tucked them both into his bed for the night. He didn't want Alfred climbing up and down his bunk bed ladder and screwing his arm up more. It gave him an excuse to sleep on the couch again too.
"So...this is the last time we can see papa?" The eldest asked.
"Yes." Arthur replied, pushing the hair out of his son's eyes. Didn't he just go in for a cut? How did it get so long all of a sudden?
"I got his stuffie!" Matthew handed the toy dog to his father who tucked it into the screaming child's hands. He stopped making noise immediately.
"When is uncle Alister coming?" Alfred asked.
"In a few minutes."
"Are we going to his place tonight?"
"Yes. We're going to have food."
"Yay!" Alfred cheered.
"I knew that would get you excited."
"Food always gets me excited. Can I have some now?"
"I'm calling the police."
"Have fun with that."
"Can I borrow your phone."
"Aw man."
A knock on the door interrupted the conversation to Arthur's relief.
"Alister is here!" Matthew cheered, running to the door.
"Does he give you guys candy or something? Why are you always glad to see him?" Arthur muttered.
"UNCLE ALISTER!" Matthew pulled the door open and Alfred ran over to see his brother.
"'Ey there lads! Want some sweets?!" Alister picked both giggling twins up in each of his large hairy arms.
"I knew it!" Arthur glared.
"Ready to go, Artie?"
"Huh? Oh...yeah." Arthur grabbed Peter's bag and followed his brother out the door.
"My car or yours?" The Scot asked.
"Mine has the car seats in it. They're a hassle to take out." Thank got Matthew and Alfred were growing fast. They'd be tall enough to be out of their seats legally in no time and Arthur would only need to use one.
"I'll drive." Alister offered. He took the keys off the rack by the door as best as he could without dropping one of his nephews.
The group packed into the car, each of the kids buckled into their seats, and started out to the funeral home.
"You ready for this, Artie?" Alister asked.
Arthur took a deep breath. He knew he didn't want this to happen, but he couldn't hold off forever.
"Yeah, I am."

I know it's taking a while for the romantic plot to kick in but this is very important to the plot and also making sure this fic isn't, like, twelve chapters. You've got to develop the plot some; ya know?

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