Di Grind

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Happy birthday to me

It was strange, but Arthur found that he could actually manage to sleep in that bed when the twins were there. He found a certain comfort to having them by his side. He could forget that something was missing when those two were by his side.
But eventually Alfred went in to get his cast off and he settled back into his own bed, Matthew following right behind him.
He tried to sleep in his bed alone for a few nights, but he always ended up frustrated and sleep deprived. This was becoming too much for him. How was he going to get back to work if he didn't get a full night of sleep. Dealing with bored university students in his condition really wasn't the best idea.
He had until the January semester to get his life back on track but that day would be on him in no time.
Is everything alright? You haven't texted me yet.
Arthur looked down at the message on his phone, barely able to comprehend it. He had been messaging Lukas when he gave up on trying to sleep every morning, but that day he just couldn't bear to move.
He managed to type out a reply, face halfway crammed into his pillow. It wasn't as soft as he remembered it being before.
I'm getting wasted tonight. You in?
"Daaaaaaad!!!" A small whine came from the other side of the door. It was probably just Alfred complaining about Matthew not playing with him.
"What?" Arthur called back tiredly.
"Mattie spilled milk in the kitchen."
A text from Lukas arrived just then.
I'll see if I can get Ber and Tino to look after Emil. If I can't, I'll let you know but I'll pick you up at six otherwise.
"What the hell is Matthew doing with milk?" Arthur sat up, sending Lukas a quick confirmation.
"He wanted pancakes."
"He's not allowed near the stove!" Arthur got out of the bed and started on his way to the kitchen, Alfred toddling along behind him.
"Matthew, what do you think you're doing?!" Arthur growled, seeing Matthew trying to wipe milk off the floor using a bathroom towel.
"It's okay. I saw papa do this all the time." He assured innocently.
"You're too young to be around the stove."
"But I wanted pancakes."
"You should have woken me up."
"No! You need your rest."
"No I don't. What makes you think that?"
"Because you're really grumpy and papa always said you get grumpy when you're tired!" Matthew sniffled. Arthur swallowed. He felt guilty that his kids were able to pick up on his mood that easily.
"I'm awake now, so why don't I make you two breakfast."
"Of course."
"Yay!" Matthew's pain seemed to slip away as he climbed into his chair to wait. Alfred sat down beside him, looking expectantly at his father. Also...where the hell was Peter??
Arthur started by cleaning up the mess of milk and pancake mix all over the floor. The children just watched him like the assholes they were.
When he finished, he looked at the counter and all the ingredients taken out.
How did you make pancakes again??

Knull Meg Hardt, PappaWhere stories live. Discover now