Enden av November

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I was originally going to go through the original stages of grief but these look better for this fic

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I was originally going to go through the original stages of grief but these look better for this fic.

Arthur opened his eyes slowly, feeling the pain of the all too familiar hangover coming back to bite him in the ass.
Speaking of his ass...
"You up yet?"
Arthur rolled over, groaning in pain. This wasn't his room. This wasn't his bed. And that was definitely not his husband beside him.
"Lukas...did we...?"
"Yeah. You were super wasted."
"I don't even remember coming here...fuck..."
"Arthur, if this is a problem, we can forget it happened. I was pretty drunk too."
"I...don't know how to feel." The Brit swallowed. He wanted to throw up. He felt like he was cheating. Did this count as cheating?
"You're probably hungover...do you want water or anything?"
"I...sure...but..." Arthur rolled onto his stomach. "How often do you...I mean..."
"Are you the first person I've slept with since Matthias? Ja. You are."
"And you just...you went along with it...even though I was super drunk?"
"I was drunk too. Just not as drunk. Drunk enough to have no self control. Like...two vodka bottles drunk..."
"That still doesn't...I..." Arthur took a deep breath. "I need to throw up. Where's your bathroom?"
"I'll help you."
"No. Please, no." Arthur climbed out of the bed, feeling a sharp pain in his ass, but choosing to ignore it. How many times had he just bit down and dealt with it when he had Francis did it? It had happened so much that he had lost count.
He found his underwear and pants and slipped into them, picking his shirt up off the corner of the bed and stepping out of the room.
"It's the first room to the left." Lukas muttered.
"Thanks." Arthur turned left and found the bathroom, locking the door behind him and immediately hunched over the toilet, unloading the contents of his stomach. He started sobbing, unable to stop.
Eventually, he cooled down, pulling himself together enough that he could leave the bathroom.
Everything was quiet. Arthur wondered if Lukas had gone back to bed. He didn't really care. All he wanted to do was go back home and think over what he had done. 
If Francis hadn't died, Arthur wouldn't have met Lukas and he wouldn't be feeling this disgusting. If Francis had skipped work that day...taken another shift...if he had've called the bouncer over to take that one patron earlier...Francis would have still been by his side.
He would do anything to go back and save Francis.
Arthur found his shoes strewn across the floor and quickly strapped them onto his feet before heading out of the apartment.
It took a while for him to find the exit. He wasn't sure what floor he was on and actually didn't know where in the town he was. But after walking a short while, he found the bar where he met Lukas that first time and used that landmark to get back to his home.
How drunk had he been that night?
Drunk enough to make his head feel like there was an axe lodged in it.
It was a good thing he planned on drowning that feeling in even more booze.
It was going to take a lot for him to get through this day.

Knull Meg Hardt, PappaWhere stories live. Discover now