Philemon Arthur & The Dung

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On Christmas Eve, Arthur let the twins sleep in his bed. He hadn't given the boys much more than a Charlie Brown Christmas tree and one gift each and he felt sick about it.
And not only that, he also had to go back to work in a few weeks and he wouldn't be able to spend as much time with them. Even then, what little time he would get to be with them would be spent in fatigue. He had to make the most of what little time they had left, and he had already fucked up his chance.
"Dad! Dad! Dad! Dad!" Arthur woke to the sound of Alfred jumping on the bed, screaming excitedly. Matthew was still out cold. If Arthur didn't know him, he would worry, but he knew by now that Matthew could sleep through nuclear warfare.
"Alfred, settle down. You're going to step on Matthew."
"Who cares! It's Christmas!"
"I'm sure the emergency room employees forced to work on Christmas would care if they had to take care of a six year old with a broken leg."
"Are you going to get up!! We have presents!"
"Alfred, you're not going to be very satisfied this year. Santa got a little busy with...personal issues...with Mrs. Claus...getting a reindeer."
"Are you kidding?! There's like a hundred gifts under the tree!! I saw it."
"Alfred..." There were only three gifts. Surely Alfred could count that high...although Arthur did know not to over estimate the boy.
"Matthew! Get up! It's Christmas! Get your butt out of bed."
"Alfred, don't say the word butt." Arthur scolded.
"No butts, Alfred. Matthew wake up."
"But I'm dreaming about Michael Cera."
"Michael Cereal can wait. It's Christmas. You have to help me make dinner."
"Well, I do like food."
"I know you do. Come on." Arthur picked the half asleep child up and carried him out of the room while Alfred followed eagerly behind.
They stopped in the nursery and picked up Peter. The toddler was lead by Alfred because Matthew was too tired but mostly too lazy to walk on his own.
Halfway down the stairs, Arthur halted. He could smell something cooking in the kitchen. What the...?
"Look!" Alfred beheld, gesturing into the living room. Arthur made his way down the last of the stairs, gasping at how the living room had changed. The tiny stick that Arthur had declared to be his tree was replaced with a large, towering fir, decorated with bright lights and brilliant orbs. It's underbelly was packed with glittery presents, wrapped neatly and decorated with bows and ribbons.
"This...this is..." Arthur paused, remembering that scent. He had to check that out!
He set Matthew down on the floor and rushed to the kitchen where he saw enough food to feed an army, all done up in three of those food heater things idk what they're called but my grandma has one.
"Who did this?" He asked himself. There was nowhere in sight to answer. Just a heavy knock on the front door and excited screaming from the children.
"Uncle Alister is here!"
"That bloody..." It was him. It had to have been him.
"Little brother, look what ye've done ta the place! It's too gay. Pack it all up!"
"You say that every year." Arthur sighed, stepping back into the living room. "Did you do all this?"
"Nay! It must have been Santa."
"Santa is so cool!" Matthew grinned. "I hope he got me a tractor."
"We don't have room for farm equipment, Matthew." Arthur sighed.
"Not, like, a real one."
"Where are the rest of you morons?" Arthur asked.
Alister was about to answer when the door opened again.
"We better be getting fed." Charlie declared. Aaron and Dylan nodded their agreement, right behind him.
"There's food in the kitchen."
"I wanna do presents first!" Alfred whined.
"Yeah!" Matthew agreed.
"You guys can open one gift and then we eat. Deal?"
"You're the best dad ever!" Alfred declared.
Everybody gathered around the tree. Alister took the two gifts that Arthur had originally picked for the kids and handed them out to their rightful owners. He set a heavy box on Arthur's lap and then distributed some more of the gifts around to his other siblings.
"You guys can go first." He told the kids. Alfred immediately ripped into the box. Matthew was more careful with his, undoing the tape and opening the package gently. Peter just chewed on the corner of the box.
"Oh!!!" Matthew gaped excitedly once he saw what was inside. He pulled out the plush bear, admiring it.
"Cool!" Alfred smacked Matthew over the head with the rubber alien Arthur had picked out for him.
"Thanks dad!" Both twins hugged their father tightly while the Kirkland brothers watched fondly.
Peter took the stuffed goat he had received and curled up in the box with it. He was satisfied in his own way.
"Open yours!" Alfred demanded. There was excitement in those baby blue eyes.
"Yes. Right." Arthur nodded, looking down at the name tag.
To: dad
From: Mattowo and alfowed
These children needed a tutor.
He unwrapped the gift, finding a box with a single teacup and saucer. The script on the dish wear read "#1 dad" in fancy script.
"You can get teacups that say that?" He gasped, excited.
"Aye. The boys found it when I took them shopping a few weeks ago."
"I thought Francis was your number one dad?"
"Nooooo! He's our number one papa. They had wine glasses that said that so uncle Ali said he'd mail one off to papa for us!" Matthew explained.
Arthur looked toward Alister, who winked.

After all the family opened one gift each, they all made their way into the kitchen. Arthur stopped to admire the tree on the way, and noticed a white envelope sitting on the branches with his name on it.
He plucked it off, and opened it, hoping it had some answer to his question about what was going on.

Dear Arthur,
It's Lukas.
I know how hard it is to feel alone on Christmas, especially when you have kids to make happy. I know that sometimes it feels like you will never find happiness because you have to put your children before your own well being, but you can. It's okay to hire a babysitter for the day and it's okay to take some time off.
I did all this stuff for you because I just want you to know that you can ask for help. You always have people there to support you. They might not always seem to care (like your brothers, for example) but they would drop everything for you.
I would drop everything for you...
I'm really sorry about what happened the last time we met. I was drunk and you were drunk and honestly it would be best if we just forgot about it. I hope all this will make up for it...even though I kinda had to break into your house to do it.
If you still want to be friends...or maybe something else...if it's the right time??? I mean??? Whenever??? Just come over to my New Years party at my place. If you don't Remember how to get there, I've drawn directions on the back. It's child friendly...obviously...and you're free to bring guests. But if you don't want to come...that's fine.
I hope you have an amazing Christmas!
-Lukas Bondevik no longer canon :/

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