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"You sure you're okay to walk home? You drank quite a bit in there." It was almost three am when the pair finally left the bar and Arthur could barely stand. Lukas was concerned for his safety.
"I'm fine. It's only ten minutes."
The Norwegian's stomach twisted.
"It's only a five minute drive, Lukas. I'll see you before you know it."
"I'm going to walk you home."
"I'm okay." Arthur stumbled.
"No. You're not. I'm walking you home."
"You should get home to your son."
"He's probably sleeping by now. Tino and Berwald won't mind taking care of him a little longer."
"Okay. Okay. But I'm not that drunk." Arthur hiccuped.
"Yep. Whatever you say." Lukas nodded.
"You didn't forget anything?"
"Let's hope not. I know the bartender so he'd return it, but we don't want to go through the trouble." Lukas started to ease Arthur along.
The streets were dark and not a soul was out this late. It felt eerie, like they were Victorian prostitutes and Jack the Ripper was on their trail, or maybe like everybody had suddenly stopped existing. Lukas remembered taking walks like this back when Matthias had died. He had always left Emil alone in bed and just paced up and down the block, even in the wintertime. Now that he thought back, he realized he probably wasn't being the best parent, but he had really needed to clear his head back then and midnight walks were the only way he could do that.
Lukas wondered about Arthur, about how he was going to deal with it. Would the methods that worked for the Norwegian work for the Brit? Was he going about this the right way?
"This is the place." Arthur announced. They hadn't been walking for long so Lukas wondered if the drunk man was telling the truth.
"You're place?"
"No. My brother's place."
"It's three in the morning. He's probably asleep."
"I just...want to make sure the kids are okay..."
"They're alright. I promise." Lukas put his arm over Arthur's shoulders. "Let's go home."
"Okay. Fine." Arthur stumbled off, Lukas trying to make sure he didn't fall over. This felt just like when Emil was two and had to be chaperoned whenever he went somewhere so he wouldn't get in trouble.
Eventually, they found their way to a two story home with white siding and a sizeable front lawn. They walked up the driveway and stopped right at the front door. Arthur took his keys from his coat pocket and started fumbling them into the door.
"Here, let me help." Lukas offered. He took the keys and unlocked the deadbolt, opening the door.
"Thanks." Arthur said, catching the keys.
"I'll get you to bed." Lukas suggested. "I don't think I trust you with the stairs."
"No!" Arthur shouted, suddenly scared. "Anything but that bed."
"What bed? Your bed?"
"Please," Arthur begged.
"You're just going to sleep on the couch?"
"I just...can't sleep in that bed...not alone..."
Lukas nodded, understanding how he felt. Nights were lonely when the only one you loved was pulled away from you.
"Okay. Go sleep on the couch, then. Call me when you wake up."
"I will."
"See you later, then." Lukas started to walk back toward the street.
"Bye!" Arthur waved. The Norwegian returned the gesture calmly.
He didn't really know where this friendship would end up, but he was sure glad he had started it.

Knull Meg Hardt, PappaWhere stories live. Discover now