Epilogue-Part Two

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"Look at you, finally getting remarried."
"Shut the fuck up Alister."
"Not as long as I live!" The Scotsman chuckled loudly, fixing his kilt.
"I can't believe you're wearing that."
"It's tradition."
"Turdition!" Matthew winced as he entered the room. He was already dressed in his tux and had Peter right by his side.
"Where's the other one?" Arthur asked, genuinely worried. Alfred got in trouble way too much.
"He's with his girlfriend...aka behaving."
"Thank god." Arthur hadn't been too fond of Natalia at first. She was super angry all the time. But she knew how to keep Alfred in line which was a blessing.
"I gave him a condom too so even if he does do that one misbehaving thing-"
"Matthew!" Arthur groaned. "Don't encourage him like that."
"I'm sorry would you rather an infant running around the house because that's what would happen if I didn't supply condoms."
"Speaking of girlfriends..." Alister jumped in a bit too late, "where's yers?"
"Oh..." Arthur muttered. "That's not a-"
"We broke up over a month ago." Matthew got that faraway look in his eye again. Katsyusha had been his girlfriend for a long time. Probably longer than anybody else (the list was long, people). But she was older than him and already off at college so it was hard for them to keep it going after that. He had been heartbroken, but knew it just couldn't work anymore.
"I'm sorry, lad." Alister reached over and ruffled the boy's hair. "But at least you have more time to practise bagpipes."
"Don't you dare." Arthur warned.
"So, how's your last year of high school going?"
"It's pretty boring. We don't do much. Except Alfred. He does a lot."
"Don't you go there young man!" Arthur scolded.
"You refuse to admit your son makes sweet sweet love constantly and yet I have to think about your gross body doing that shit every time I close my eyes."
"I told you that the lock was broken. You should have known not to walk in that one time."
"You're a nasty old man, dad. But don't worry. I'm still a virgin. I probably always will be at this rate." Matthew chuckled softly. "Same with this loser too." Matthew gestured to Peter.
"Hey!" Peter gasped.
"It's true." Alister nodded.
"Leave the baby alone. He's perfect...actually no...Alfred taught him to be an asshole...but you still shouldn't tease him."
"Arthur," Emil poked his head into the church's back room where they all were, "we're ready for you."
"Right...okay..." Arthur stood, wiping off his suit carefully. "Let's do this."
"Come on, Pete. Let's get a good seat...shit that rhymed."
"You're the next Shakespeare." Peter deadpanned. "And don't call me Pete."
"Get on your dragon and fly it so somebody who cares, Pete."
"You're the worst brother. I don't care what anybody says."
"Both of you stop." Arthur sighed. "It's my bloody wedding day."
"You've been engaged for four years. It's old news by now."
"I can't wait until you move out."
"It's a good thing I plan on living with you through college."
"What? Oh no!"
"And Alfred's moving in with Natalia in New York."
"I'm not paying for that."
"That's what I told him."
Arthur rolled his eyes. His children were ridiculous, but they were his life. He didn't want to let them go out in the real world just yet.
But he would worry about that when the time came.
For now, he had a wedding to go through with.

I'm done.
I'm done I'm done I'm done.
And also I want to escape into the mountains and never be seen again.
Adios little mouse.
See you in the next fic.
(Which will not be Nyo fruk cuz I'm not ready for that yet)

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