Svarte Katter & Flosshatter

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Arthur really hadn't expected to play that long, but before he knew it the sky was dark and the kids were starting to get sluggish.
"It's about bedtime." Arthur declared, setting his guitar in its case.
Alister looked up from his bagpipes, out of breath from the song they had just played.
"It's nine thirty."
"The night is young!"
"And so are the children. They need their sleep."
Matthew's head dropped onto Alfred's shoulder, proving his point.
"I should get Emil home too." Lukas said, gesturing to the child in his lap. He was sleeping already, curled up and clutching his father's jacket, thumb in his mouth.
"I'll see ya later," then Alister sighed. "I'll get yer guitar back to you tomorrow. Charlie will take yer place."
"Thanks. I'll see you guys around." Arthur picked Peter up with one hand and took Alfred's with his other. Matthew instinctively grabbed onto Alfred's shirt so he wouldn't get lost. Lukas stood as well, starting toward the gates out of the yard.
" you want me to walk you home, or are you okay?" The Norwegian asked.
"I'll be fine. You should get your kid to bed."
"Good point." Lukas shifted Emil's weight in his arms. "Call me tomorrow, okay?"
"I will." Arthur promised.
"Bye." Lukas waved as he walked away from them, leaving the family alone.
"Daddy, are we sleeping in your bed again?" Alfred asked sleepily.
"You're probably sleeping there until your arm heals. It's not healthy to be climbing up your latter like that."
"Can you sleep in there with us?" Matthew asked.
Arthur swallowed. Maybe sleeping in that bed would be fine if he wasn't alone. At the very least, he didn't have to go back to work yet so he could just sleep all day.
"Yes." He agreed, not completely sure he wanted to.
"Yay!" Matthew cheered.
They were quiet for the rest of the walk home, the events of the day wearing them down.
"Go get your pyjamas on and brush your teeth." Arthur commanded as he unlocked the front door.
"Can we have snacks before bed?" Alfred asked.
"No. The tooth paste would make it taste bad."
"Can we have snacks before we brush our teeth?"
"Why not?!"
"Because...the bed bugs will bite you."
"Oh no!"
Lying to children was so easy. He hoped he wouldn't make a habit out of it.
"Daddy," Matthew pulled on Arthur's shirttail.
"Yes, love?"
"Can you put the blanket in the dryer so it's warm."
God, he was so cute. How could you ever say no to that face.
"Only for a few minutes."
"Thank you."
"You're welcome."
The twins ran off to prepare themselves for bed time and Arthur set Peter down so he could throw his comforter in the dryer for a few minutes. After he did that, he picked Peter back up and took him to his room to settle him into his crib.
The youngest child was already half asleep, so it didn't take long for him to get him settled. He turned off the lights in the nursery and made his way to the master bedroom, grabbing the warm comforter on the way. Both twins were sitting on the bed, waiting for him. He threw the blanket over them, and grabbed his pyjamas from the chair he left them on.
"I'll be right back, okay?"
"Okay." Alfred said. Matthew nodded.
By the time he returned from changing, the twins were settled into bed, but we're still awake. He crawled in between them and let Matthew curl up under his arm.
"Sleep well, daddy." The younger of the two whispered as Alfred turned off the lamp for them.
"Yeah. You too."

Knull Meg Hardt, PappaWhere stories live. Discover now