Djevelens Orkester

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My new favourite line in my novel is "Since when has the cold bothered a psychic." Because, not only is it a reference to Frozen, the Psychic who said it literally had a brother freeze to death.
Since when indeed.

Happy thanksgiving you fucks

"Daaaaaaad! Wake up! We have to go to school!"
Arthur was jarred awake by Matthew hitting him over the head with a pillow.
"Ow! Don't do that." Arthur growled, rising from the couch and rubbing his eyes.
"I want bacon and eggs for breakfast." Alfred declared.
"You're getting cereal. We don't have bacon."
Arthur was sure that he hadn't shopped in a while. He couldn't remember the last time he went to the grocery store.
"But daaaad."
"Enough. Go change your clothes and put your backpacks at the door."
"Fine." Alfred waddled off, Matthew right behind him.
Arthur got up, feeling sluggish. He wished he could have gotten more sleep. His head hurt.
He started fumbling around the kitchen, trying to do whatever he could to get breakfast ready.
The Brit was distracted by...well...he didn't know what was distracting him, but he knew he couldn't focus on dinner like he used to.
"We're all dressed." Alfred came in, leading Peter along with him. Matthew strolled past them, climbing into his chair.
"Thank you. Here's your breakfast." He set a bowl in front of each twin, lifting his teacup and taking a long sip.
This wasn't tea. This was...
"" Alfred spooned a teabag out of the milk in his bowl and looked up at his father. Matthew did the same, clearly puzzled.
Arthur sighed into his cup, which was filled with hot water and Cheerios. He didn't know how. But he had mistakenly swapped ingredients.
"Just drink the milk and we'll go to McDonald's for breakfast."
"No! Tim Hortons!" Matthew insisted.
"Okay. Tim Hortons."
"Now I wanna go to McDonald's." Alfred pouted.
"Tim Hortons for breakfast and McDonald's for supper, deal?"
"Yay!" The twins cheered.
Arthur groaned. He hated giving the kids fast food, but today he clearly didn't have his shit together. He had no choice.
"But you have to be good."
How many times had he yelled at Francis for doing this? Oh well. He was their Francis now.
"All done!" Matthew held out his empty milk bowl, wiping the white substance off his mouth.
"Me too!" Alfred also held out his bowl.
Arthur took them, getting out of his chair and walking to the sink. But on the way, Potato ran under his feet and he stumbled, the bowls falling from his hands and smashing on the floor. The corgie yelped and jumped out of the way, Matthew screeched, and Alfred laughed. Arthur cursed under his breath.
"I heard that dad!" Matthew scolded.
"Fuck off!" Arthur shouted out of reflex, his hands shooting up to his mouth in shock. He had just told his middle son to fuck off. What kind of parent does that?
Arthur dropped to his knees, tears leaking from his eyes, landing on the floor with soft taps.
He had just told one son to fuck off and now he was having an emotional breakdown right in front of them.
He felt a tiny hand fall onto his shoulder and he looked up, seeing both of the twins worrying over him. This wasn't what good parents were supposed to do. They were supposed to be strong and sturdy.
"Are you okay, dad?" Alfred asked, eyes large and watery.
"Go get my phone. Alister is going to take you to school today."

There is a folded piece of paper on my white board that says "next fic. Top secret" and it's been there since I was writing part of us. That was FOUR fanfics ago. But my next fic still won't be that. It'll be a Nyo fruk for my most dedicated reader because she deserves it. But after that I'm not taking ideas for a while. I've had trouble writing the past few months and it's probably because I haven't written anything for myself since then. Part of us was for all the people who voted really hard and lost by one vote, walking with a ghost was for my waifu, this is for my child, and then my next one is a request. I also haven't had much porn and I don't know if that's connected or not. Anyway by December I'll be writing for me again. I need to clear out my system so I can continue to give you guys quality works.

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