Chapter 03

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A few hours later training began. I mainly focus on the new recruits while Simone works with the well trained ones. They refer to her As "Merciless Blue" while I'm called "Virtuous Violet" which I believe is fairly a dramatic name for a fairy like me.

Simone is considered the most powerful blue fairy.  Many blue fairies do not possess enough power to even summon an illusion gate, but she went beyond her discrimination and is now training the royal guard.

"It's time for a break I suppose. You all need to train more often. Half of you might not even make it into the higher positions of the guard." I sigh. All the scouts scatter around in search of water. Simone walks over to me and sits beside me. "I truly do not understand why you chose to train these children and decide to be so nice to them. I reckon they need to toughen up more." She whines. "That's why I have you. They will all learn to fear you soon. Actually I think they do already fear you" she chuckles and relaxes on the bench. We hear the sound of horses in the distance. "Horses? Inside the courtyard at this time? Could it be the king?" I stand up and look behind us. A rally of guards on soldiers march towards us with the prince in the middle.

Simone stands up and motions for the scouts to stand still. The rally stops and and prince Zarioss comes forward. Everyone kneels to him. He gets off his horse and walks towards Simone and I.

"General Graferi would you be available to join me at the skyroom? That is if you are not training at the moment. I must speak to you about an important matter privately." I look over at Simone and she nods her head. "Of course your majesty,
Simone can look after the scouts." He nods and spreads out his wings. Join me in a few minutes. I must meet father, I will be there shortly." He begins to fly towards the castle and the guards quickly follow him on their horses.

Simone looks at me. "I wonder.. Do you think he fancies you?" I slap her hand and glare at her. "I'm sorry I know you don't like it when I say such things but do you not think it's a coincidence that Liam asked you about this earlier and later the prince asks to talk to you privately?" Her case is somewhat true but I disagree. "He said it was important." I reply.

"You should go there now. He shouldn't be kept waiting. I'll take care of the scouts, give them a nice beating" she cracks her knuckles. I smile and make my way to the entrance, "just make sure there are scouts for me to train tomorrow"

Fairies And Angels: Violet WingsWhere stories live. Discover now