Chapter 19

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I wait until I could hear the slam of the iron door. Chains rattle around me, growls of different captured creatures echo through the wind. The door slams shaking every cell around me. In a split second I conjur my illusion gate and recite a healing potion. "Selficious mordo, heal this corpse" the words tremble as they leave my lips.

A yellow aura glows around Him, accepting the healing spell. The multiple wounds on his body slowly begin to heal, I sit on the floor in front in the cell door and begin ruffling through the pages.

A few hours pass. The new variety of spells the book has to offer fills me with wonder. My mind fixated on memorizing the spells for future use almost doesn't realize the fairy in front of me had awakened.

I turn my gaze upwards and see Dominic tonelessly staring at me. He turns his gaze away to avoid eye contact with me. I set the book down beside me. "I'm sorry I hurt you, I know this seems truly terrible but I needed them to believe that I was on their side."

He remains the same and shows no interest in my apology. "If it helps which I believe it does, I gave you a healing spell. You're healing slowly but surely."

"I watched you read that book, the spell book. I saw the excitement in your eyes when you descended into something new, just like how Elucia got excited when she found out I was her new pet. Are you truly one of them by blood?" His question sends a chill down by spine. I was not even certain if I was one of them.

"I think I am. But I am loyal to my kingdom and none other. I will find away to get out of here and I will take you back, I promise. I'm not one of them, even if I am by blood I'm not by heart."

"If you are one of them by blood you don't have a heart. These creatures lack emotion. They dont love. They don't feel. They only feel joy from other's torments. You don't need to keep lying to yourself. Soon they will make you like them, like they did to many others. None will matter to you then." His monotone voice echoes through the cell.

Suddenly the iron door opens. Footsteps quickly descend down the stairs. I grab the book and walk closer to the stairway. Elucia runs down excitedly. "Sister! Father says the reactor is complete! This means you can truly be one of us now. You can get rid of those hideous wings and be a beautiful angel!"

I try to smile and act more convincing but Dominic's words keep repeating through my mind. "Elucia that's great news, why don't we go to your room and speak? Sister to sister?" Elucia jumps with joy. "Of course! Follow me!" She quickly descends up the stairs.

"I will, just one last thing." I walk over to Dominic, "I will keep my promise. The sooner they make me powerful the sooner we can leave." I whisper to him. He shows no sign of belief and looks away.

I stand up and make my way to Elucia's room.

Fairies And Angels: Violet WingsWhere stories live. Discover now