Chapter 06

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Prince Zarioss

I can never make him understand. How can he understand? He's never known what real love is. I do not have to marry right after I become king. I can keep this act up until he dies and then I will change this rule. I hope he will forgive me for taking so long to tell him how I feel. But what if he is in love with another by then? It won't matter. If he is happy then so am I. At least I can make others happy by changing the system.

There is a knock on the door. "Prince Zarioss it is Lord Liam." A guard announces. "Let him in" I stand up and walk to the living room where Liam stands waiting. "Liam how may I help you?" I sit on the large sofa opposite to him. "Oh I am in need of nothing, just came into see how you were. You seemed upset." I wish I could tell him but it would only complicate things. One day but not today. "Oh it's nothing. Like most fathers and sons we too fight over silly things. I'm curious, what do you think of the general?" I mainly hope that he would be able to tell me about her interests so I could make my interest for her seem real. Although I knew her while we were young I believe many things have changed. He rolls his eyes and glares at me. "Why do you ask?" Quite unusual. "Do you not like her? We all used to be such great friends?"

"It's not that I don't like her, why do you fancy her?" Liam asks jumping from his seat. "I didn't know you had fancied her. Well I may have had a thought about it but I never knew that you would actually... Wait are you going to ask her to the ball? Are you already courting her?" He keeps on mumbling questions moving from one side of the room to another. I must say he is quite adorable when he's jumping to conclusions.

"Liam. Calm down, I am only going to the dance with her, for old times sake is how she phrased it. Ever since she became general her life was so busy. I believe this way maybe she can relax. That is all for now." For a few seconds he silently stares at me. He is in deep thought. I pour two cups of coffee and sit back taking a few sips. Liam begins pacing around the room once more. "Liam have a cup of coffee."

He sits down and begins drinking his coffee, expression unchanged. "What do you mean, for now?" He questions me. I keep my cup on the table and sit back. "It is a complicated matter between the king and I. I am afraid I cannot discuss it with you as you are a trusted advisor of the king." I reply. He frowns and keeps his cup on the table as well. "I see. But you can discuss the unimportant points with me that may bother you as I am your best friend and care for your mental well being." His words bring joy to me. I am quite lucky to have found Liam and became his friend.

Fairies And Angels: Violet WingsWhere stories live. Discover now